Closed hotchpotch closed 12 years ago
Before mongo 1.6.0 released, mongo gem does not have :collect_on_error. So, I applied monkey-patch to Mongo::Collection#insert.
Please wait a minutes. I will test mongo 1.6.0.
@hotchpotch : Do you want to use mongo 1.5.x? mongo 1.5.x has many replica set bugs. I want to remove 1.5.x support.
I don't use mongo 1.5.x :)
This problem seems to be blocker for removing 1.5.x support.!/tomohi_ro/status/174875410683797504
I will check td-agent.
@tomohi_ro's problem cause is, bson_ext 1.6.0 has '=' with in it's dependencies. This somehow breaks gemspecs (bug of rubygem?). We can't fix it without the help of 10gen guy.
So @repeatedly, could you remove monkey-patch, update dependency, and release new version? After that, I'll update td-agent, just for upgrading MongoDB plugin. This seems an ideal solution.
Thanks - K
@kzk : I released new version 0.6.6. Please update td-agent's MongoDB plugin :)
@repeatedly thanks for your work :-)
@repeatedly Thank you! I updated :)
I want using mongo > 1.5.2 ...