fluent / fluent-plugin-s3

Amazon S3 input and output plugin for Fluentd
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Issue with sending different log files to s3 using fluentD #317

Closed KSVarun closed 4 years ago

KSVarun commented 4 years ago

Hi All,

I am trying to send tomcat log files to s3 under different directories for each log file, like catalina, access etc. But all the logs are being merged in to a single directory.

Below is my config, td-agent-conf.txt

Only the error directory is being created in the s3 bucket. I believe it is not matching the second and third config.

Please help me with this issue. Thank you.

KSVarun commented 4 years ago

Issue was with the match section, it was matching to the same s3.tomcat.error tag every time it was updating the buffer.