#!/usr/bin/dumb-init /bin/sh
# check if a old fluent user exists and delete it
cat /etc/passwd | grep fluent
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
deluser fluent
# (re)add the fluent user with $FLUENT_UID
useradd -u ${uid} -o -c "" -m fluent
export HOME=/home/fluent
# chown home and data folder
chown -R fluent /home/fluent
chown -R fluent /fluentd
exec gosu fluent "$@"
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: fluentd-config
namespace: monitoring
k8s-app: fluentd-config
fluent.conf: |
@include application.conf
<match **>
@type redis
host logstash-redis.gtforge.com
port 6379
insert_key_prefix fluentd_prod
# database number is optional.
# db_number 0 # 0 is default
# If requirepass is set, please specify this.
# password hogefuga
# Users can set '${tag}' or ${tag[0]}.${tag[1]} or ...?
# insert_key_prefix '${tag}'
# Users can set strftime format.
# "%s" will be replaced into unixtime.
# "%Y%m%d.%H%M%S" will be replaced like as 20161202.112335.
# strftime_format "%s"
# Allow insert key duplicate. It will work as update values.
# allow_duplicate_key true
# ttl 300 # If 0 or negative value is set, ttl is not set in each key.
application.conf: |
<match kubernetes.var.log.containers.**fluentd**.log>
@type null
@type tail
path /var/log/containers/*.log
tag kube.*
read_from_head true
format json
@type none
after deploying to kubernetes pods are coming up and recieving the following error (for example):
2018-05-03 13:47:31 +0000 [warn]: #0 /var/log/containers/fluentd-logging-46phg_monitoring_fluentd-33e87e34dae2ff6bc3e98c55df9730171e756d2d9e91355b96d169838e4c2870.log unreadable. It is excluded and would be examined next time.
I've tried to play with a lot, can't find any solution...
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K8S version 1.10.0
trying to deploy using a deamonset in pre baked docker image: my docker file :
my entrypoint.sh:
my k8s Deamonset yaml:
my config file (fluent.conf) :
after deploying to kubernetes pods are coming up and recieving the following error (for example):
2018-05-03 13:47:31 +0000 [warn]: #0 /var/log/containers/fluentd-logging-46phg_monitoring_fluentd-33e87e34dae2ff6bc3e98c55df9730171e756d2d9e91355b96d169838e4c2870.log unreadable. It is excluded and would be examined next time.
I've tried to play with a lot, can't find any solution...Please advise.