fluentribbon / Fluent.Ribbon

WPF Ribbon control like in Office
MIT License
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ComboBox Popup MinWidth too large #1151

Closed matteoaldera closed 11 months ago

matteoaldera commented 11 months ago

Upgrading from v9.0.4 to v10.0.0 the property InputWidth is missing from Fluent.Spinner and Fluent.ComboBox. XLS0413 The property 'InputWidth' was not found in type 'Spinner' XLS0413 The property 'InputWidth' was not found in type 'ComboBox'

I don't see anything about this break change in the changelog. I've missing somethings?

Thansk a lot!


batzen commented 11 months ago

Uh, i guess I forgot to mention that in the changelog.

The instance property was converted to an attached property InputControlProperties.InputWidth.

matteoaldera commented 11 months ago

Thanks! I've fixed my code but there is a problem...

This is what i get with v9.0.4 9 0 4

And this with v10.0.0 10 0 0 Rewriting the value in debug to fire a hot reload fix this issue.

batzen commented 11 months ago

That looks strange. Could you provide a repro for that?

matteoaldera commented 11 months ago

What informations do you need?

batzen commented 11 months ago

The XAML code you used for the problematic ribbon button in your screenshot or a small project containing everything needed to reproduce the issue.

matteoaldera commented 11 months ago

This is the code of my RibbonTabItem. I omitted some groupboxes but mentioned them because they are used in ReduceOrder.

<fluent:RibbonTabItem Header="{DynamicResource Lang.Ribbon.Home}" Name="homeRibbon" ReduceOrder="GroupBox1,GroupBox1,GroupBox1,
   <fluent:RibbonGroupBox Name="Miscellaneous" Header="{DynamicResource Lang.Miscellaneous}" IsLauncherVisible="True" LauncherCommand="{Binding ShowMiscellaneousPanelCommand}">
      <!-- GroupBox1-->
      <!-- GroupBox2-->
      <!-- GroupBox3-->
      <!-- GroupBox4-->
      <!-- Miscellaneous -->
      <fluent:RibbonGroupBox Name="Miscellaneous" Header="{DynamicResource Lang.Miscellaneous}" IsLauncherVisible="True" LauncherCommand="{Binding ShowMiscellaneousPanelCommand}">
         <fluent:ComboBox fluent:InputControlProperties.InputWidth="110" Header="{DynamicResource Lang.Purge}" ItemsSource="{Binding VM.PurgeMode}" SelectedItem="{Binding VM.PurgeMode}" IsEditable="False" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource TranslatedEnumComboBox}" SizeDefinition="Large"/>
         <fluent:ComboBox fluent:InputControlProperties.InputWidth="110" IsEditable="false" Header="{DynamicResource Lang.Speed}" ItemsSource="{Binding VM.PrinterSpeeds}" SelectedItem="{Binding VM.PrinterSpeed}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource TranslatedEnumComboBox}" SizeDefinition="Large" />