fluentribbon / Fluent.Ribbon

WPF Ribbon control like in Office
MIT License
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GalleryItem missing hover #1154

Closed kkbp58 closed 8 months ago

kkbp58 commented 11 months ago

Bug is reproducible with your last showcase app. Steps to reproduce:

  1. go to galleries tab
  2. open the last gallery dropdown
  3. hover over gallery items - ok
  4. hover over menu items - ok
  5. hover over gallery items again - NOT ok, no hover state is visible, but tooltip is shown, as you can see on the attached screenshot



batzen commented 11 months ago

That's because the menu items are contained in a menu. The base class (MenuBase) forces the mouse to be captured and only be release if clicked outside of it. There is not much I can do on the Ribbon side to prevent this.

The custom RibbonMenu and MenuItem classes contained in this lib already contain a lot of workarounds for all sorts of issues caused by this inheritance, but the possibilities are limit.

The root cause for all those workarounds are the base classes itself, which I need to inherit from to conform with everything else those classes do and people expect from those classes.

If you just need a list of buttons (no nesting etc.) below the gallery, just use an itemscontrol/panel instead of RibbonMenu.

I hope this helps as there is nothing I can do to prevent this exact issue (aside from writing everything contained in MenuBase and MenuItem, which is way out of scope for me).