fluentribbon / Fluent.Ribbon

WPF Ribbon control like in Office
MIT License
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Text not disapearing #1187

Closed korneliuscode closed 6 months ago

korneliuscode commented 6 months ago

I want to reduce middle sized items to label-less icons when the window is too narrow.

<Fluent:Button Header="{x:Static res:Resources.CreateRule}" SizeDefinition="Middle, Small, Small" 
                           ToolTip="{Binding Header, RelativeSource={RelativeSource self}}" 
                           Command="{Binding CreateRuleCommand}"/>

What am I missing?


batzen commented 6 months ago

Have you set an ReduceOrder on RibbonTabItem? You can read a bit about it at https://fluentribbon.github.io/documentation/concepts/sizing

korneliuscode commented 6 months ago

Ah, that was it. Thanks a lot. I did not get it at first but now it makes sense.