fluentribbon / Fluent.Ribbon

WPF Ribbon control like in Office
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DropDownButton Size="Middle" does not obey the sizing. #1207

Open imadenis opened 2 weeks ago

imadenis commented 2 weeks ago

DropDownButton Size="Middle" does not function as intended, the size will be "Large" when displayed.

You can already see the different behavior from v10.0.4 to v10.1.0 in the showcase app. The only example with this size is on the KeyTips tab / Test3


batzen commented 2 weeks ago

Setting the size won't work if you are also using a reduce order on the tab/group the control is contained in. If you want to force a certain size when also using a reduce order you have to use SizeDefinition="Middle" for example. This only applies to controls used in tabs/groups.

imadenis commented 1 week ago

There was no reduce order anywhere in my application, but now it will show properly if I add SizeDefinition="Middle".