fluffymadness / ATMega32U4-Switch-Fightstick

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Open RInRinKK opened 5 years ago

RInRinKK commented 5 years ago

Hi, I saw your project and really got interested. For a long time that i wanted to make a switch figtstick and the features that you implemented on your code really caught my eye. I'm still new to this so thats why I am opening this issue. (Even tho it's not really an issue, more like a request ;) ) I own an Arduino UNO board. I know that the pro micros and UNOs have different microcontrollers, and that the UNO lacks on USB interface capabilities, but I was wondering if there is any way of using this project on ATMEGA328P microcontrollers. I saw some Arduino game controller projects that use the Arduino DFU mode and then flash some specific software to make the code run. Also noticed that the pro micro has different pins. Maybe we can remap them?? Even tho I don't know much about this, I would love to collaborate.

fluffymadness commented 5 years ago

Hi, pin remapping is easy. You just have to write other pin numbers in these lines. buttonA.attach(5,INPUT_PULLUP); buttonB.attach(4,INPUT_PULLUP); .... As for the arduino uno. Doing a bit of reading on these links: https://www.avrfreaks.net/forum/how-use-arduino-uno-lufa https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/24512/make-lufa-for-arduino-uno-atmega16u2

,it seems the atmega328 does not come with an usb interface on the chip as the atmega32u4 does. However the arduino uno board has an additional atmega16u2 on board, which has a firmware for usb serial conversion, to talk with the 328. You can modify the firmware of the 16u2 somehow, but I think you can't communicate with the atmega328 anymore after that.

RInRinKK commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I will look into those links and see what I can find. I'am wondering how I'm going to be able to upload the code if I can't connect to the ATMEGA328, but I will find the solution. If I managed to get it working I will let you know.

RInRinKK commented 5 years ago

Hi, I think i found a way to make this work, but when I try to upload the code to my arduino I get this error message:

exit status 1 LUFAConfig.h: No such file or directory

I think I installed the LUFA library correctly... What should I do now???

fluffymadness commented 5 years ago

Did you use the LUFA library from this link? https://github.com/Palatis/Arduino-Lufa

fluffymadness commented 5 years ago

And try to check the include and defines from the ATMega32U4-Switch-Fightstick, maybe you missed a include somewhere

RInRinKK commented 5 years ago

I'm pretty sure I haven't missed anything: This is what I get:


Right there in the beginning

Here you can see the library: sorry it's not in english SCREEN2

fluffymadness commented 5 years ago

do you have LUFAConfig.h in your local sketch directory? I get the exact same message if I remove the file from the folder of the sketch

RInRinKK commented 5 years ago

I do

fluffymadness commented 5 years ago

move everything you see there in the main folder

RInRinKK commented 5 years ago

This is a translated error message: In file included from C:\EDE\ATMega32U4-Switch-Fightstick-master\main\main.ino:2:0:

Found multiple libraries for «LUFA.h» C:\Users\migo-\Documents\Arduino\libraries\LUFA/LUFA.h:11:39: fatal error: LUFA/LUFA/Drivers/USB/USB.h: No such file or directory

Used: C:\Users\...\Documents\Arduino\libraries\LUFA compilation terminated.

Not used: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\LUFA exit status 1 Error compiling to board Arduino/Genuino Uno.

RInRinKK commented 5 years ago

I got this now

fluffymadness commented 5 years ago

You'll have to do the debugging on your own now. I have not done any testing with an arduino uno board, so can't really help you there. Considering the cost of a pro micro board...2$...it's also not really something i'll look into in the near future. But still, good luck with your project. Hope you'll get it running somehow.

RInRinKK commented 5 years ago

Ok, thanks for your help I will see what I can find At least got past the LUFAConfig error ;)