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[Community] Nominating Yuandong Xie (GithubID: xieydd) for Fluid committer #40

Closed RongGu closed 1 year ago

RongGu commented 2 years ago

Dear Fluid TOC members and maintainers,

I am proposing to have Yuandong Xie (GithubID: xieydd) as a new committer.

Yuandong Xie, is a senior engineer of Tencent Cloud. He works in Tencent Kubernetes Engine(TKE) team, focuses on cloud native AI infrastructure and other kubernetes related products. Yuandong also focus on elastic kubernetes service on tencent cloud. He likes to explore and contribute to open source technologies, is also member of kubeflow、Istio and fluid community.

The commit history: https://github.com/fluid-cloudnative/fluid/commits?author=xieydd Feb 26th, 2022

Contributed to the growth of community , expand the user case of fluid. Add new runtime of fluid – GooseFSRuntime, Provides fluid monitoring、stability enhancements and enterprise-level needs.


Talks: KubeCon 2021 China: Fluid : Kubernetes 原生分布式数据集协调器和加速器 https://www.lfasiallc.com/kubecon-cloudnativecon-open-source-summit-china/program/schedule/ KubeCon 2021 NorthAmerican: Fluid- Build Data Orchestration in Kubernetes. https://sched.co/lV2U Fluid Community Meeting talks: Plan Discussion for BigData App Integration for Fluid https://github.com/fluid-cloudnative/community/wiki/Meeting-Agenda-and-Notes#20210630 Blogs: https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1868108

Major contributions

v0.3.0: Support the underlay storage which is configured only with non-root: https://github.com/fluid-cloudnative/fluid/pull/168

v0.4.0: Support deploying multiple dataset in the same node: https://github.com/fluid-cloudnative/fluid/pull/242

v0.5.0: Enhance Prometheus monitoring support for AlluxioRuntime: https://github.com/fluid-cloudnative/fluid/pull/466

v0.6.0: Enhance HA support for cache Runtime: https://github.com/fluid-cloudnative/fluid/pull/781 Support new cache Runtime:GooseFS: https://github.com/fluid-cloudnative/fluid/pull/912

Feel free to +1 or -1, starting with my +1. Thanks,


cheyang commented 2 years ago


wsxiaozhang commented 2 years ago

+1, welcome

TrafalgarZZZ commented 2 years ago
