fluid-dev / hexo-theme-fluid

:ocean: 一款 Material Design 风格的 Hexo 主题 / An elegant Material-Design theme for Hexo
GNU General Public License v3.0
7.05k stars 1.11k forks source link

文章更新时间部署到Github后显示异常 #1025

Closed chen-huaneng closed 6 months ago

chen-huaneng commented 6 months ago


Bug 描述

在本地部署时,文章最后显示的更新时间是正常的,当我部署到Github上之后,文章更新时间一直显示的是几秒前,无法正常更新,以下是部署到Github后和本地的差别: QQ截图20231207200704 QQ截图20231207200714

浏览器版本为 Edge 版本 119.0.2151.97 (正式版本) (64 位)


# Hexo Configuration
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/configuration.html
## Source: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/

# Site

title: Abel's Blog
subtitle: ''
# Site 网站的描述以及关键字等设置
description: "AbelのBlog,专注于算法题解、技术文章和生活感悟。探索编程世界,记录技术成长,分享个人见解。在这里,发现编程之美,体验技术的乐趣,共同成长的点滴。 Abel's Blog focuses on algorithm problem-solving, technical articles, and reflections on life. Explore the beauty of programming, document technical growth, and share personal insights."
keywords: "Algorithm Problem Solving, Technical Articles, Life Reflections, Programming, Technical Sharing, Coding Reflection, Technical Growth, Algorithm Learning, Personal Blog, Abel, Beauty of Coding, 算法题解, 技术文章, 生活感悟, 编程, 技术分享, 编程思考, 技术成长, 算法学习, 个人博客, 编程之美"
author: Abel
language: zh-CN
timezone: 'Asia/Shanghai'

## Set your site url here. For example, if you use GitHub Page, set url as 'https://username.github.io/project'
url: https://chen-huaneng.github.io/
permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/
  trailing_index: true # Set to false to remove trailing 'index.html' from permalinks
  trailing_html: true # Set to false to remove trailing '.html' from permalinks

# Directory
source_dir: source
public_dir: public
tag_dir: tags
archive_dir: archives
category_dir: categories
code_dir: downloads/code
i18n_dir: :lang

# Writing
# 新建文件文件的名称
new_post_name: :year-:month-:day-:title.md # File name of new posts
default_layout: post

# 自动在中英文之间插入空格
auto_spacing: true

titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase
  enable: true # Open external links in new tab
  field: site # Apply to the whole site
  exclude: ''
filename_case: 0
render_drafts: false

# 打开文章资源文件夹,当资源文件管理功能打开后,Hexo将会在你每一次通过 hexo new [layout] <title> 命令创建新文章时自动创建一个文件夹。这个资源文件夹将会有与这个文章文件一样的名字。将所有与你的文章有关的资源放在这个关联文件夹中之后,你可以通过相对路径来引用它们,这样你就得到了一个更简单而且方便得多的工作流。
post_asset_folder: false

# 启用后,资源图片将会被自动解析为其对应文章的路径。
# 例如: image.jpg 位置为 /2020/01/02/foo/image.jpg ,这表示它是 /2020/01/02/foo/ 文章的一张资源图片, ![](image.jpg) 将会被解析为 <img src="/2020/01/02/foo/image.jpg"> 。
  prependRoot: false
  postAsset: false

relative_link: false
future: true
syntax_highlighter: highlight.js
  line_number: true
  auto_detect: false
  tab_replace: ''
  wrap: true
  hljs: false
  preprocess: true
  line_number: true
  tab_replace: ''

# Home page setting
# path: Root path for your blogs index page. (default = '')
# per_page: Posts displayed per page. (0 = disable pagination)
# order_by: Posts order. (Order by date descending by default)
  path: ''
  per_page: 5
  order_by: -date

# Category & Tag
default_category: uncategorized

# Metadata elements
## https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/meta
meta_generator: true

# Date / Time format
## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date
## You can customize the date format as defined in
## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
date_format: YYYY-MM-DD
time_format: HH:mm:ss
## updated_option supports 'mtime', 'date', 'empty'
updated_option: 'mtime'

# Pagination
## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination
# 每页显示的文章量
per_page: 5
pagination_dir: page

# Include / Exclude file(s)
## include:/exclude: options only apply to the 'source/' folder

# Extensions
## Plugins: https://hexo.io/plugins/
## Themes: https://hexo.io/themes/
theme: fluid

# Deployment
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/one-command-deployment
  type: ''

# Footer
  enable: true


# Hexo Theme Fluid
# Author: Fluid-dev
# Github: https://github.com/fluid-dev/hexo-theme-fluid
# 配置指南: https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/guide/
# 你可以从指南中获得更详细的说明
# Guide: https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/en/guide/
# You can get more detailed help from the guide

# 全局
# Global

# 用于浏览器标签的图标
# Icon for browser tab
favicon: /imgs/banner/avatar_round.png

# 用于苹果设备的图标
# Icon for Apple touch
apple_touch_icon: /imgs/banner/avatar_round.png

# 浏览器标签页中的标题分隔符,效果: 文章名 - 站点名
# Title separator in browser tab, eg: article - site
tab_title_separator: " - "

# 强制所有链接升级为 HTTPS(适用于图片等资源出现 HTTP 混入报错)
# Force all links to be HTTPS (applicable to HTTP mixed error)
force_https: true

# 代码块的增强配置
# Enhancements to code blocks
  # 是否开启复制代码的按钮
  # Enable copy code button
  copy_btn: true

  # 代码语言
  # Code language
    enable: true
    default: "TEXT"

  # 代码高亮
  # Code highlight
    enable: true

    # 代码块是否显示行号
    # If true, the code block display line numbers
    line_number: true

    # 实现高亮的库,对应下面的设置
    # Highlight library
    # Options: highlightjs | prismjs
    lib: "highlightjs"

      # 在链接中挑选 style 填入
      # Select a style in the link
      # See: https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/
      style: "github"
      style_dark: "github-dark"

      # 在下方链接页面右侧的圆形按钮挑选 style 填入,也可以直接填入 css 链接
      # Select the style button on the right side of the link page, you can also set the CSS link
      # See: https://prismjs.com/
      style: "default"
      style_dark: "tomorrow night"

      # 设为 true 高亮将本地静态生成(但只支持部分 prismjs 插件),设为 false 高亮将在浏览器通过 js 生成
      # If true, it will be generated locally (but some prismjs plugins are not supported). If false, it will be generated via JS in the browser
      preprocess: true

# 一些好玩的功能
# Some fun features
  # 为 subtitle 添加打字机效果
  # Typing animation for subtitle
    enable: true

    # 打印速度,数字越大越慢
    # Typing speed, the larger the number, the slower
    typeSpeed: 70

    # 游标字符
    # Cursor character
    cursorChar: "|"

    # 是否循环播放效果
    # If true, loop animation
    loop: false

    # 在指定页面开启,不填则在所有页面开启
    # Enable in specified page, all pages by default
    # Options: home | post | tag | category | about | links | page | 404
    scope: []

  # 为文章内容中的标题添加锚图标
  # Add an anchor icon to the title on the post page
    enable: true
    element: h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6
    # Options: left | right
    placement: left
    # Options: hover | always | touch
    visible: hover
    # Options: § | # | ❡
    icon: ""

  # 加载进度条
  # Progress bar when loading
    enable: true
    height_px: 3
    color: "#29d"
    # See: https://github.com/rstacruz/nprogress
    options: { showSpinner: false, trickleSpeed: 100 }

# 主题暗色模式,开启后菜单中会出现切换按钮,用户浏览器会存储切换选项,并且会遵循 prefers-color-scheme 自动切换
# Theme dark mode. If enable, a switch button will appear on the menu, each of the visitor's browser will store his switch option
  enable: true
  # 默认的选项(当用户手动切换后则不再按照默认模式),选择 `auto` 会优先遵循 prefers-color-scheme,其次按用户本地时间 18 点到次日 6 点之间进入暗色模式
  # Default option (when the visitor switches manually, the default mode is no longer followed), choosing `auto` will give priority to prefers-color-scheme, and then enter the dark mode from 18:00 to 6:00 in the visitor’s local time
  # Options: auto | light | dark
  default: auto

# 主题颜色配置,其他不生效的地方请使用自定义 css 解决,配色可以在下方链接中获得启发
# Theme color, please use custom CSS to solve other colors, color schema can be inspired by the links below
# See: https://www.webdesignrankings.com/resources/lolcolors/
  # body 背景色
  # Color of body background
  body_bg_color: "#eee"
  # 暗色模式下的 body 背景色,下同
  # Color in dark mode, the same below
  body_bg_color_dark: "#181c27"

  # 顶部菜单背景色
  # Color of navigation bar background
  navbar_bg_color: "#2f4154"
  navbar_bg_color_dark: "#1f3144"

  # 顶部菜单字体色
  # Color of navigation bar text
  navbar_text_color: "#fff"
  navbar_text_color_dark: "#d0d0d0"

  # 副标题字体色
  # Color of navigation bar text
  subtitle_color: "#fff"
  subtitle_color_dark: "#d0d0d0"

  # 全局字体色
  # Color of global text
  text_color: "#3c4858"
  text_color_dark: "#c4c6c9"

  # 全局次级字体色(摘要、简介等位置)
  # Color of global secondary text (excerpt, introduction, etc.)
  sec_text_color: "#718096"
  sec_text_color_dark: "#a7a9ad"

  # 主面板背景色
  # Color of main board
  board_color: "#fff"
  board_color_dark: "#252d38"

  # 文章正文字体色
  # Color of post text
  post_text_color: "#2c3e50"
  post_text_color_dark: "#c4c6c9"

  # 文章正文字体色(h1 h2 h3...)
  # Color of Article heading (h1 h2 h3...)
  post_heading_color: "#1a202c"
  post_heading_color_dark: "#c4c6c9"

  # 文章超链接字体色
  # Color of post link
  post_link_color: "#0366d6"
  post_link_color_dark: "#1589e9"

  # 超链接悬浮时字体色
  # Color of link when hovering
  link_hover_color: "#30a9de"
  link_hover_color_dark: "#30a9de"

  # 超链接悬浮背景色
  # Color of link background when hovering
  link_hover_bg_color: "#f8f9fa"
  link_hover_bg_color_dark: "#364151"

  # 分隔线和表格边线的颜色
  # Color of horizontal rule and table border
  line_color: "#eaecef"
  line_color_dark: "#435266"

  # 滚动条颜色
  # Color of scrollbar
  scrollbar_color: "#c4c6c9"
  scrollbar_color_dark: "#687582"
  # 滚动条悬浮颜色
  # Color of scrollbar when hovering
  scrollbar_hover_color: "#a6a6a6"
  scrollbar_hover_color_dark: "#9da8b3"

  # 按钮背景色
  # Color of button
  button_bg_color: "transparent"
  button_bg_color_dark: "transparent"
  # 按钮悬浮背景色
  # Color of button when hovering
  button_hover_bg_color: "#f2f3f5"
  button_hover_bg_color_dark: "#46647e"

# 主题字体配置
# Font
  font_size: 16px
  letter_spacing: 0.02em
  code_font_size: 85%

# 指定自定义 .js 文件路径,支持列表;路径是相对 source 目录,如 /js/custom.js 对应存放目录 source/js/custom.js
# Specify the path of your custom js file, support list. The path is relative to the source directory, such as `/js/custom.js` corresponding to the directory `source/js/custom.js`
  - /js/custom.js
  - /js/duration.js
  - /js/snow.js
  - /js/firework.js

# 指定自定义 .css 文件路径,用法和 custom_js 相同
# The usage is the same as custom_js
  - /css/custom.css
  - /css/scrollbar.css

# 网页访问统计
# Analysis of website visitors
web_analytics:  # 网页访问统计
  enable: true

  # 遵循访客浏览器"请勿追踪"的设置,如果开启则不统计其访问
  # Follow the "Do Not Track" setting of the visitor's browser
  # See: https://www.w3.org/TR/tracking-dnt/
  follow_dnt: true

  # 百度统计的 Key,值需要获取下方链接中 `hm.js?` 后边的字符串
  # Baidu analytics, get the string behind `hm.js?`
  # See: https://tongji.baidu.com/sc-web/10000033910/home/site/getjs?siteId=13751376

  # Google Analytics 4 的媒体资源 ID
  # Google Analytics 4 MEASUREMENT_ID
  # See: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/9744165#zippy=%2Cin-this-article

  # 腾讯统计的 H5 App ID,开启高级功能才有cid
  # Tencent analytics, set APP ID
  # See: https://mta.qq.com/h5/manage/ctr_app_manage

  # 51.la 站点统计 ID
  # 51.la analytics
  # See: https://www.51.la/user/site/index
  woyaola:  # 51.la 站点统计 ID,参见

  # 友盟/cnzz 站点统计 web_id
  # cnzz analytics
  # See: https://web.umeng.com/main.php?c=site&a=show

  # LeanCloud 计数统计,可用于 PV UV 展示,如果 `web_analytics: enable` 没有开启,PV UV 展示只会查询不会增加
  # LeanCloud count statistics, which can be used for PV UV display. If `web_analytics: enable` is false, PV UV display will only query and not increase
    # REST API 服务器地址,国际版不填
    # Only the Chinese mainland users need to set
    # 统计页面时获取路径的属性
    # Get the attribute of the page path during statistics
    path: window.location.pathname
    # 开启后不统计本地路径( localhost 与 )
    # If true, ignore localhost &
    ignore_local: true

# 对页面中的图片和评论插件进行懒加载处理,可见范围外的元素不会提前加载
# Lazy loading of images and comment plugin on the page
  enable: true

  # 加载时的占位图片
  # The placeholder image when loading
  loading_img: /imgs/banner/loading.jpg

  # 开启后懒加载仅在文章页生效,如果自定义页面需要使用,可以在 Front-matter 里指定 `lazyload: true`
  # If true, only enable lazyload on the post page. For custom pages, you can set 'lazyload: true' in front-matter
  onlypost: true

  # 触发加载的偏移倍数,基数是视窗高度,可根据部署环境的请求速度调节
  # The factor of viewport height that triggers loading
  offset_factor: 2

# 图标库,包含了大量社交类图标,主题依赖的不包含在内,因此可自行修改,详见 https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/icon/
# Icon library, which includes many social icons, does not include those theme dependent, so your can modify link by yourself. See: https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/en/icon/
iconfont: //at.alicdn.com/t/font_1736178_lbnruvf0jn.css

# 页头
# Header

# 导航栏的相关配置
# Navigation bar
  # 导航栏左侧的标题,为空则按 hexo config 中 `title` 显示
  # The title on the left side of the navigation bar. If empty, it is based on `title` in hexo config
  blog_title: "AbelのBlog"

  # 导航栏毛玻璃特效,实验性功能,可能会造成页面滚动掉帧和抖动,部分浏览器不支持会自动不生效
  # Navigation bar frosted glass special animation. It is an experimental feature
    enable: true

    # 模糊像素,只能为数字,数字越大模糊度越高
    # Number of blurred pixel. the larger the number, the higher the blur
    px: 2

    # 不透明度,数字越大透明度越低,注意透明过度可能看不清菜单字体
    # Ratio of opacity, 1.0 is completely opaque
    # available: 0 - 1.0
    alpha: 0.7

  # 导航栏菜单,可自行增减,key 用来关联 languages/*.yml,如不存在关联则显示 key 本身的值;icon 是 css class,可以省略;增加 name 可以强制显示指定名称
  # Navigation bar menu. `key` is used to associate languages/*.yml. If there is no association, the value of `key` itself will be displayed; if `icon` is a css class, it can be omitted; adding `name` can force the display of the specified name
    - { key: "home", link: "/", icon: "iconfont icon-home-fill" }
    - { key: "archive", link: "/archives/", icon: "iconfont icon-archive-fill" }
    - { key: "category", link: "/categories/", icon: "iconfont icon-category-fill" }
    - { key: "tag", link: "/tags/", icon: "iconfont icon-tags-fill" }
    - { key: "about", link: "/about/", icon: "iconfont icon-user-fill" }
    - { key: "links", link: "/links/", icon: "iconfont icon-link-fill" }

# 搜索功能,基于 hexo-generator-search 插件,若已安装其他搜索插件请关闭此功能,以避免生成多余的索引文件
# Search feature, based on hexo-generator-search. If you have installed other search plugins, please disable this feature to avoid generating redundant index files
  enable: true

  # 搜索索引文件的路径,可以是相对路径或外站的绝对路径
  # Path for search index file, it can be a relative path or an absolute path
  path: /local-search.xml

  # 文件生成在本地的位置,必须是相对路径
  # The location where the index file is generated locally, it must be a relative location
  generate_path: /local-search.xml

  # 搜索的范围
  # Search field
  # Options: post | page | all
  field: all

  # 搜索是否扫描正文
  # If true, search will scan the post content
  content: true

# 首屏图片的相关配置
# Config of the big image on the first screen
  # 视差滚动,图片与板块会随着屏幕滚动产生视差效果
  # Scrolling parallax
  parallax: true

  # 图片最小的宽高比,以免图片两边被过度裁剪,适用于移动端竖屏时,如需关闭设为 0
  # Minimum ratio of width to height, applicable to the vertical screen of mobile device, if you need to close it, set it to 0
  width_height_ratio: 1.0

# 向下滚动的箭头
# Scroll down arrow
  enable: true

  # 头图高度不小于指定比例,才显示箭头
  # Only the height of the banner image is greater than the ratio, the arrow is displayed
  # Available: 0 - 100
  banner_height_limit: 80

  # 翻页后自动滚动
  # Auto scroll after page turning
  scroll_after_turning_page: true

# 向顶部滚动的箭头
# Scroll top arrow
  enable: true

# Open Graph metadata
# See: https://hexo.io/docs/helpers.html#open-graph
  enable: true
  twitter_card: summary_large_image

# 页脚
# Footer
  # 页脚第一行文字的 HTML,建议保留 Fluid 的链接,用于向更多人推广本主题
  # HTML of the first line of the footer, it is recommended to keep the Fluid link to promote this theme to more people
  content: '
    <div style="font-size: 0.85rem">
      <i class="iconfont icon-copyright"> 2023
        <a href="/about" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">
      | Power by 
        <a href="https://hexo.io" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">
      <i class="iconfont icon-love"></i>
      <a href="https://github.com/fluid-dev/hexo-theme-fluid" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">
    <div style="font-size: 0.85rem">
      <span id="timeDate">载入天数...</span>
      <span id="times">载入时分秒...</span>
      <script src="/js/duration.js"></script>

  # 展示网站的 PV、UV 统计数
  # Display website PV and UV statistics
    enable: true

    # 统计数据来源,使用 leancloud 需要设置 `web_analytics: leancloud` 中的参数;使用 busuanzi 不需要额外设置,但是有时不稳定,另外本地运行时 busuanzi 显示统计数据很大属于正常现象,部署后会正常
    # Data source. If use leancloud, you need to set the parameter in `web_analytics: leancloud`
    # Options: busuanzi | leancloud
    source: "leancloud"
    pv_format: '<i class="iconfont icon-friends"></i>总访问量 {} 次 | '  # 显示的文本,{}是数字的占位符(必须包含),下同
    uv_format: '<i class="iconfont icon-users"></i>总访客数 {} 人'

  # 国内大陆服务器的备案信息
  # For Chinese mainland website policy, other areas keep disable
    enable: false
    # ICP证号
    icp_text: 京ICP证123456号
    # 公安备案号,不填则只显示ICP
    police_text: 京公网安备12345678号
    # 公安备案的编号,用于URL跳转查询
    police_code: 12345678
    # 公安备案的图片. 为空时不显示备案图片
    police_icon: /img/police_beian.png

# 首页
# Home Page
  # 首页 Banner 头图,可以是相对路径或绝对路径,以下相同
  # Path of Banner image, can be a relative path or an absolute path, the same on other pages
  banner_img: /imgs/banner/default.jpg

  # 头图高度,屏幕百分比
  # Height ratio of banner image
  # Available: 0 - 100
  banner_img_height: 100

  # 头图黑色蒙版的不透明度,available: 0 - 1.0, 1 是完全不透明
  # Opacity of the banner mask, 1.0 is completely opaque
  # Available: 0 - 1.0
  banner_mask_alpha: 0.3

  # 首页副标题的独立设置
  # Independent config of home page subtitle
    enable: true

    # 为空则按 hexo config.subtitle 显示
    # If empty, text based on `subtitle` in hexo config
    text: "Welcome to Abel の Blog"

    # 通过 API 接口作为首页副标题的内容,必须返回的是 JSON 格式,如果请求失败则按 text 字段显示,该功能必须先开启 typing 打字机功能
    # Subtitle of the homepage through the API, must be returned a JSON. If the request fails, it will be displayed in `text` value. This feature must first enable the typing animation
      enable: false

      # 请求地址
      # Request url
      url: ""

      # 请求方法
      # Request method
      # Available: GET | POST | PUT
      method: "GET"

      # 请求头
      # Request headers
      headers: {}

      # 从请求结果获取字符串的取值字段,最终必须是一个字符串,例如返回结果为 {"data": {"author": "fluid", "content": "An elegant theme"}}, 则取值字段为 ['data', 'content'];如果返回是列表则自动选择第一项
      # The value field of the string obtained from the response. For example, the response content is {"data": {"author": "fluid", "content": "An elegant theme"}}, the expected `keys: ['data','content']`; if the return is a list, the first item is automatically selected
      keys: []

  # 自动截取文章摘要
  # Auto extract post
    enable: true

  # 打开文章的标签方式
  # The browser tag to open the post
  # Available: _blank | _self
  post_url_target: _self

  # 是否显示文章信息(时间、分类、标签)
  # Meta information of post
    date: true
    category: true
    tag: true

  # 文章通过 sticky 排序后,在首页文章标题前显示图标
  # If the posts are sorted by `sticky`, an icon is displayed in front of the post title
    enable: true
    icon: "iconfont icon-top"

# 文章页
# Post Page
  banner_img: /imgs/banner/post.jpg
  banner_img_height: 80
  banner_mask_alpha: 0.3

  # 文章在首页的默认封面图,当没有指定 index_img 时会使用该图片,若两者都为空则不显示任何图片
  # Path of the default post cover when `index_img` is not set. If both are empty, no image will be displayed
  default_index_img: /imgs/banner/article.jpg

  # 文章标题下方的元信息
  # Meta information below title
    # 作者,优先根据 front-matter 里 author 字段,其次是 hexo 配置中 author 值
    # Author, based on `author` field in front-matter, if not set, based on `author` value in hexo config
      enable: false

    # 文章日期,优先根据 front-matter 里 date 字段,其次是 md 文件日期
    # Post date, based on `date` field in front-matter, if not set, based on create date of .md file
      enable: true
      # 格式参照 ISO-8601 日期格式化
      # ISO-8601 date format
      # See: http://momentjs.cn/docs/#/parsing/string-format/
      format: "LL a"

    # 字数统计
    # Word count
      enable: true
      format: "文章字数: {} "  # 显示的文本,{}是数字的占位符(必须包含),下同

    # 估计阅读全文需要的时长
    # Estimated reading time
      enable: true
      # 每个字词的长度,建议:中文≈2,英文≈5,中英混合可自行调节
      # Average word length (chars count in word), ZH ≈ 2, EN ≈ 5
      awl: 2
      # 每分钟阅读字数,如果大部分是技术文章可适度调低
      # Words per minute
      wpm: 60
      format: "阅读全文大概需要 {} 分钟"

    # 浏览量计数
    # Number of visits
      enable: true
      # 统计数据来源
      # Data Source
      # Options: busuanzi | leancloud
      source: "leancloud"
      format: "阅读次数: {} "

  # 在文章开头显示文章更新时间,该时间默认是 md 文件更新时间,可通过 front-matter 中 `updated` 手动指定(和 date 一样格式)
  # Update date is displayed at the beginning of the post. The default date is the update date of the md file, which can be manually specified by `updated` in front-matter (same format as date)
    enable: true

    # 格式参照 ISO-8601 日期格式化
    # ISO-8601 date format
    # See: http://momentjs.cn/docs/#/parsing/string-format/
    date_format: "LL a"

    # 是否使用相对时间表示,比如:"3 天前"
    # If true, it will be a relative time, such as: "3 days ago"
    relative: true

    # 提示标签类型
    # Note class
    # Options: default | primary | info | success | warning | danger | light
    note_class: info

  # 侧边栏展示当前分类下的文章
  # Sidebar of category
    enable: true

    # 开启后,只有在文章 Front-matter 里指定 `category_bar: true` 才会展示分类,也可以通过 `category_bar: ["分类A"]` 来指定分类
    # If true, only set `category_bar: true` in Front-matter will enable sidebar of category, also set `category_bar: ["CategoryA"]` to specify categories
    specific: true

    # 置于板块的左侧或右侧
    # place in the board
    # Options: left | right
    placement: left

    # 文章的排序字段,前面带减号是倒序,不带减号是正序
    # Sort field for posts, with a minus sign is reverse order
    # Options: date | title | or other field of front-matter
    post_order_by: "-date"

    # 单个分类中折叠展示文章数的最大值,超过限制会显示 More,0 则不限制
    # The maximum number of posts in a single category. If the limit is exceeded, it will be displayed More. If 0 no limit
    post_limit: 10

  # 侧边栏展示文章目录
  # Table of contents (TOC) in the sidebar
    enable: true

    # 置于板块的左侧或右侧
    # place in the board
    # Options: left | right
    placement: right

    # 目录会选择这些节点作为标题
    # TOC will select these nodes as headings
    headingSelector: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6"

    # 层级的折叠深度,0 是全部折叠,大于 0 后如果存在下级标题则默认展开
    # Collapse depth. If 0, all headings collapsed. If greater than 0, it will be expanded by default if there are sub headings
    collapseDepth: 0

  # 版权声明,会显示在每篇文章的结尾
  # Copyright, will be displayed at the end of each post
    enable: true

    # CreativeCommons license
    # Options: BY | BY-SA | BY-ND | BY-NC | BY-NC-SA | BY-NC-ND
    license: 'BY-NC'

    # 显示作者
      enable: true

    # 显示发布日期
    # Show post date
      enable: true
      format: "LL"

    # 显示更新日期
    # Show update date
      enable: true
      format: "LL"

  # 文章底部上一篇下一篇功能
  # Link to previous/next post
    enable: true

  # 文章图片标题
  # Image caption
    enable: true

  # 文章图片可点击放大
  # Zoom feature of images
    enable: true
    # 放大后图片链接替换规则,可用于将压缩图片链接替换为原图片链接,如 ['-slim', ''] 是将链接中 `-slim` 移除;如果想使用正则请使用 `re:` 前缀,如 ['re:\\d{3,4}\\/\\d{3,4}\\/', '']
    # The image url replacement when zooming, the feature can be used to replace the compressed image to the original image, eg: ['-slim', ''] removes `-slim` from the image url when zooming; if you want to use regular, use prefix `re:`, eg: ['re:\\d{3,4}\\/\\d{3,4}\\/','']
    img_url_replace: ['', '']

  # 脚注语法,会在文章底部生成脚注,如果 Markdown 渲染器本身支持,则建议关闭,否则可能会冲突
  # Support footnote syntax, footnotes will be generated at the bottom of the post page. If the Markdown renderer itself supports it, please disable it, otherwise it may conflict
    enable: true
    # 脚注的节标题,也可以在 front-matter 中通过 `footnote: <h2>Reference</h2>` 这种形式修改单独页面的 header
    # The section title of the footnote, you can also modify the header of a single page in the form of `footnote: <h2>Reference</h2>` in front-matter
    header: '<h2>References</h2>'

  # 数学公式,开启之前需要更换 Markdown 渲染器,否则复杂公式会有兼容问题,具体请见:https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/guide/##latex-数学公式
  # Mathematical formula. If enable, you need to change the Markdown renderer, see: https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/en/guide/#math
    # 开启后文章默认可用,自定义页面如需使用,需在 Front-matter 中指定 `math: true`
    # If you want to use math on the custom page, you need to set `math: true` in Front-matter
    enable: true

    # 开启后,只有在文章 Front-matter 里指定 `math: true` 才会在文章页启动公式转换,以便在页面不包含公式时提高加载速度
    # If true, only set `math: true` in Front-matter will enable math, to load faster when the page does not contain math
    specific: true

    # Options: mathjax | katex
    engine: mathjax

  # 流程图,基于 mermaid-js,具体请见:https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/guide/#mermaid-流程图
  # Flow chart, based on mermaid-js, see: https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/en/guide/#mermaid
    # 开启后文章默认可用,自定义页面如需使用,需在 Front-matter 中指定 `mermaid: true`
    # If you want to use mermaid on the custom page, you need to set `mermaid: true` in Front-matter
    enable: false

    # 开启后,只有在文章 Front-matter 里指定 `mermaid: true` 才会在文章页启动公式转换,以便在页面不包含公式时提高加载速度
    # If true, only set `mermaid: true` in Front-matter will enable mermaid, to load faster when the page does not contain mermaid
    specific: false

    # See: http://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/
    options: { theme: 'default' }

  # 评论插件
  # Comment plugin
    enable: false
    # 指定的插件,需要同时设置对应插件的必要参数
    # The specified plugin needs to set the necessary parameters at the same time
    # Options: utterances | disqus | gitalk | valine | waline | changyan | livere | remark42 | twikoo | cusdis | giscus | discuss
    type: disqus

# 评论插件
# Comment plugins
# 开启评论需要先设置上方 `post: comments: enable: true`,然后根据 `type` 设置下方对应的评论插件参数
# Enable comments need to be set `post: comments: enable: true`, then set the corresponding comment plugin parameters below according to `type`

# Utterances
# 基于 GitHub Issues
# Based on GitHub Issues
# See: https://utteranc.es
  issue_term: pathname
  label: utterances
  theme: github-light
  theme_dark: github-dark

# Disqus
# 基于第三方的服务,国内用户直接使用容易被墙,建议配合 Disqusjs
# Based on third-party service
# See: https://disqus.com
  # 以下为 Disqusjs 支持, 国内用户如果想使用 Disqus 建议配合使用
  # The following are Disqusjs configurations, please ignore if DisqusJS is not required
  # See: https://github.com/SukkaW/DisqusJS
  disqusjs: false

# Gitalk
# 基于 GitHub Issues
# Based on GitHub Issues
# See: https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk#options
  admin: ['name']
  language: zh-CN
  labels: ['Gitalk']
  perPage: 10
  pagerDirection: last
  distractionFreeMode: false
  createIssueManually: true
  # 默认 proxy 可能会失效,解决方法请见下方链接
  # The default proxy may be invalid, refer to the links for solutions
  # https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk/issues/429
  # https://github.com/Zibri/cloudflare-cors-anywhere
  proxy: https://cors-anywhere.azm.workers.dev/https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token

# Valine
# 基于 LeanCloud
# Based on LeanCloud
# See: https://valine.js.org/
  path: window.location.pathname
  avatar: 'retro'
  meta: ['nick', 'mail', 'link']
  requiredFields: []
  pageSize: 10
  lang: 'zh-CN'
  highlight: false
  recordIP: false
  serverURLs: ''
  enableQQ: false

# Waline
# 从 Valine 衍生而来,额外增加了服务端和多种功能
# Derived from Valine, with self-hosted service and new features
# See: https://waline.js.org/
  serverURL: ''
  path: window.location.pathname
  meta: ['nick', 'mail', 'link']
  requiredMeta: ['nick']
  lang: 'zh-CN'
  emoji: ['https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/walinejs/emojis/weibo']
  dark: 'html[data-user-color-scheme="dark"]'
  wordLimit: 0
  pageSize: 10

# 畅言 Changyan
# 基于第三方的服务
# Based on third-party service, insufficient support for regions outside China
# http://changyan.kuaizhan.com
  appid: ''
  appkey: ''

# 来必力 Livere
# 基于第三方的服务
# Based on third-party service
# See: https://www.livere.com
  uid: ''

# Remark42
# 需要自托管服务端
# Based on self-hosted service
# See: https://remark42.com
  max_shown_comments: 10
  locale: zh
  components: ['embed']

# Twikoo
# 支持腾讯云、Vercel、Railway 等多种平台部署
# Based on Tencent CloudBase
# See: https://twikoo.js.org
  region: ap-shanghai
  path: window.location.pathname

# Cusdis
# 基于第三方服务或自托管服务
# Based on third-party or self-hosted service
# See https://cusdis.com
  lang: zh-cn

# Giscus
# 基于 GitHub Discussions,类似于 Utterances
# Based on GitHub Discussions, similar to Utterances
# See: https://giscus.app/
  theme-light: light
  theme-dark: dark
  mapping: pathname
  reactions-enabled: 1
  emit-metadata: 0
  input-position: top
  lang: zh-CN

# Discuss
# 多平台、多数据库、自托管、免费开源评论系统
# Self-hosted, small size, multi-platform, multi-database, free and open source commenting system
# See: https://discuss.js.org
  path: window.location.pathname

# 归档页
# Archive Page
  banner_img: /imgs/banner/archive.jpg
  banner_img_height: 80
  banner_mask_alpha: 0.3

# 分类页
# Category Page
  enable: true
  banner_img: /imgs/banner/category.png
  banner_img_height: 80
  banner_mask_alpha: 0.3

  # 分类的排序字段,前面带减号是倒序,不带减号是正序
  # Sort field for categories, with a minus sign is reverse order
  # Options: length | name
  order_by: "-length"

  # 层级的折叠深度,0 是全部折叠,大于 0 后如果存在子分类则默认展开
  # Collapse depth. If 0, all posts collapsed. If greater than 0, it will be expanded by default if there are subcategories
  collapse_depth: 0

  # 文章的排序字段,前面带减号是倒序,不带减号是正序
  # Sort field for posts, with a minus sign is reverse order
  # Options: date | title | or other field of front-matter
  post_order_by: "-date"

  # 单个分类中折叠展示文章数的最大值,超过限制会显示 More,0 则不限制
  # The maximum number of posts in a single category. If the limit is exceeded, it will be displayed More. If 0 no limit
  post_limit: 10

# 标签页
# Tag Page
  enable: true
  banner_img: /imgs/banner/tag.jpg
  banner_img_height: 80
  banner_mask_alpha: 0.3
    min_font: 15
    max_font: 30
    unit: px
    start_color: "#BBBBEE"
    end_color: "#337ab7"

# 关于页
# About Page
  enable: true
  banner_img: /imgs/banner/about.jpg
  banner_img_height: 80
  banner_mask_alpha: 0.3
  avatar: /imgs/banner/avatar.png
  name: "Abel"
  intro: "静静地读书、看世界, 不断探索未知, 保持好奇!"
  # 更多图标可从 https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/icon/ 查找,`class` 代表图标的 css class,添加 `qrcode` 后,图标不再是链接而是悬浮二维码
  # More icons can be found from https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/en/icon/  `class` is the css class of the icon. If adding `qrcode`, The icon is no longer a link, but a hovering QR code
    - { class: "iconfont icon-mail", link: "mailto:huanengchen@foxmail.com", tip: "huanengchen@foxmail.com" }
    - { class: "iconfont icon-github-fill", link: "https://github.com/chen-huaneng", tip: "GitHub" }
    - { class: "iconfont icon-discord-fill", link: "https://discord.com/users/1053609134030860328", tip: "Discord" }
    - { class: "iconfont icon-zhihu-fill", link: "https://www.zhihu.com/people/yun-tun-5-10", tip: "Zhihu" }
    - { class: "iconfont icon-wechat-fill", qrcode: "/imgs/banner/wechat.jpg", tip: "WeChat" }
    - { class: "iconfont icon-qrcode", qrcode: "/imgs/banner/qrcode.jpg", tip: "WeChat Public Account" }

# 自定义页
# Custom Page
# 通过 hexo new page 命令创建的页面
# Custom Page through `hexo new page`
  banner_img: /imgs/banner/custom.jpg
  banner_img_height: 80
  banner_mask_alpha: 0.3

# 404页
# 404 Page
  enable: true
  banner_img: /imgs/banner/404.png
  banner_img_height: 85
  banner_mask_alpha: 0.3
  # 重定向到首页的延迟(毫秒)
  # Delay in redirecting to home page (milliseconds)
  redirect_delay: 5000

# 友链页
# Links Page
  enable: true
  banner_img: /imgs/banner/links.jpg
  banner_img_height: 80
  banner_mask_alpha: 0.3
  # 友链的成员项
  # Member item of page
    - {
      title: "宫水三叶",
      intro: "人美心善还可爱的三叶女神!!!",
      link: "https://sharingsource.github.io/",
      avatar: "/imgs/banner/Miyamizu_Mitsuha.png"
    # - {
    #   title: "Fluid Docs",
    #   intro: "主题使用指南",
    #   link: "https://hexo.fluid-dev.com/docs/",
    #   avatar: "/img/favicon.png"
    # }
    # - {
    #   title: "Fluid Repo",
    #   intro: "主题 GitHub 仓库",
    #   link: "https://github.com/fluid-dev/hexo-theme-fluid",
    #   avatar: "/img/favicon.png"
    # }

  # 当成员头像加载失败时,替换为指定图片
  # When the member avatar fails to load, replace the specified image
  onerror_avatar: /imgs/banner/error_avatar.png

  # 友链下方自定义区域,支持 HTML,可插入例如申请友链的文字
  # Custom content at the bottom of the links
    enable: true
    content: '<hr><p>给<a href="mailto:huanengchen@foxmail.com" class="emailLink">我的邮箱</a>发邮件申请加入我的友链,
    <li>简介:Abel 的秘密基地</li>

  # 评论插件
  # Comment plugin
    enable: false
    # 指定的插件,需要同时设置对应插件的必要参数
    # The specified plugin needs to set the necessary parameters at the same time
    # Options: utterances | disqus | gitalk | valine | waline | changyan | livere | remark42 | twikoo | cusdis | giscus | discuss
    type: disqus

# 以下是配置 JS CSS 等静态资源的 URL 前缀,可以自定义成 CDN 地址,
# 如果需要修改,最好使用与默认配置相同的版本,以避免潜在的问题,
# ** 如果你不知道如何设置,请不要做任何改动 **
# Here is the url prefix to configure the static assets. Set CDN addresses you want to customize.
# Be aware that you would better use the same version as default ones to avoid potential problems.

  # 内部静态
  # Internal static

  internal_js: /js
  internal_css: /css
  internal_img: /img

  # 第三方库
  # Third-party library

  anchor: https://lib.baomitu.com/anchor-js/4.3.1/

  github_markdown: https://lib.baomitu.com/github-markdown-css/4.0.0/

  jquery: https://lib.baomitu.com/jquery/3.6.4/

  bootstrap: https://lib.baomitu.com/twitter-bootstrap/4.6.1/

  prismjs: https://lib.baomitu.com/prism/1.29.0/

  tocbot: https://lib.baomitu.com/tocbot/4.20.1/

  typed: https://lib.baomitu.com/typed.js/2.0.12/

  fancybox: https://lib.baomitu.com/fancybox/3.5.7/

  nprogress: https://lib.baomitu.com/nprogress/0.2.0/

  mathjax: https://lib.baomitu.com/mathjax/3.2.2/

  katex: https://lib.baomitu.com/KaTeX/0.16.2/

  busuanzi: https://busuanzi.ibruce.info/busuanzi/2.3/

  clipboard: https://lib.baomitu.com/clipboard.js/2.0.11/

  mermaid: https://lib.baomitu.com/mermaid/8.14.0/

  valine: https://lib.baomitu.com/valine/1.5.1/

  waline: https://cdn.staticfile.org/waline/2.15.5/

  gitalk: https://lib.baomitu.com/gitalk/1.8.0/

  disqusjs: https://lib.baomitu.com/disqusjs/1.3.0/

  twikoo: https://lib.baomitu.com/twikoo/1.6.8/

  discuss: https://lib.baomitu.com/discuss/1.2.1/

  hint: https://lib.baomitu.com/hint.css/2.7.0/


该 Bug 复现步骤如下:

  1. 在本地新建一个文件,写入内容,执行 hexo clean , hexo g, hexo s,然后推送到Github Pages上部署页面
  2. 等待部署一段时间之后打开部署成功的网页
  3. 会发现文章的最后更新时间仍然是几秒前



相关的npm信息如下: Weixin Screenshot_20231207195117

zkqiang commented 6 months ago

这个问题可以看 Hexo 官方配置


我建议最好自己在 frontmatter 里手动指定 updated: xxxx