fluid-lab / gamepad-navigator

GSoC 2020 project
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Optional focus indicator prevents mouse clicks. #175

Closed duhrer closed 4 months ago

duhrer commented 4 months ago

I have been noticing mouse issues that I finally figured out were caused by the optional focus indicator. That jumps in front of the focused element and seems to be swallowing mouse clicks rather than passing them through.

duhrer commented 4 months ago

I notice that this only happens with a mouse click, i..e hitting enter or space with the keyboard still works.

duhrer commented 4 months ago

I notice also that that focus indicator shrinks to nothing on click, as though focus were now on the parent container.

duhrer commented 4 months ago

On click, document.activeElement becomes body.

duhrer commented 4 months ago

Whew, just needed to add pointer-events:none to the overlay element.