fluidattacks / makes

A software supply chain framework powered by Nix.
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mkDocs -> bash docstrings to `mdbook` #521

Open blaggacao opened 3 years ago

blaggacao commented 3 years ago

For the target use cases of makes (in large orgas / monorepos) it would be extremely useful to provide a doc generator function that generates mdbook docs from code comments.

Maybe some of the existing tooling such as https://github.com/nix-community/nixdoc/pull/25 can be hijacked.

To achieve the necessary standardization and reap it's benefits, I guess, it makes sense to think this through right from the start...

blaggacao commented 3 years ago

A natural extension of this Idea would be a mkRundeck function that is like a manual & serialized version of a pipleline intertwined in a markdown document with apropriate emergency response instructions.

See also: https://www.rundeck.com/

blaggacao commented 2 years ago

After my first half-way-through job implementation, I'm thinking that probably the best way to document a job is by just adding a README.md next to main.nix.

To keep in mind:

blaggacao commented 2 years ago

I think I'll be working on this one next, since I want to set that standard & benchmark for our repo's evolution right from the start for myself & others.

blaggacao commented 2 years ago

This is going to be an absolute killer feature! :smile:

kamadorueda commented 2 years ago

The readme to the side of main.nix sounds good, however readme's are free-form which means people can write in any order and not adhere to some standards

if we want to have some order (a schema), we can use YAML.

and a schema for validating it with tools as https://ajv.js.org/ (we currently have it builtin into the framework):

Nix can process the YAML and render markdowns that then are feed into a markdown-to-html framework like https://docusaurus.io/ which make things look pretty nice:

and since everything has a schema one can do further programmatic processing to generate inverse indexes, etc:

this is the source code of the generator, it uses a lot makeTemplate:

blaggacao commented 2 years ago

@kamadorueda You make me have an idea!

Freeform, I guess is actually an advantage. Especially for things like runbooks, etc., which require some extensive context and explanation.

However, we can bake a structured short-help into the front matter! 🚀

Best of both worlds!

blaggacao commented 2 years ago

Re: frontmatter

Related #554

kamadorueda commented 2 years ago

It would be nice to add two jobs (linux/macos) for /tests/scriptWithHelp into .github/workflows/dev.yml so we don't break it accidentally in the future