fluidecho / kurunt

Real-time processing of streaming data at any scale.
20 stars 6 forks source link

Documentation links are broken #120

Open nithinbandaru1 opened 5 years ago

nithinbandaru1 commented 5 years ago


I am working on processing data in realtime and when I saw your project I thought this could be a solution(Node-red, Spark streaming other solutions).

Basically, I need to take data as input in realtime and process it and send triggers if there is any condition matched.

But when I tried to access the document it is not reachable. Can you add your document to this project or give me a link to access the documentation.

With regards, Nithin B.

markcode commented 5 years ago

Hi Nithin,

Unfortunately Kurunt is depreciated and I'm not actively developing it anymore. I am working on a new project that improves on what Kurunt did not offer, like persistence, replication, transaction and crypto. It is not ready for release yet,

In the meantime if you're working in Node.js may I suggest Axon if you want to build something low level, or Kafka for a more feature-full solution.

Hope that helps, Mark.