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Same Policy-Enforced Txn Fails at ~33-50% Rate #91

Closed aaj3f closed 4 months ago

aaj3f commented 5 months ago


While working on documenting / communicating how to transact JWS-signed messages against a server instance w/ existing Policy rules, the exact same txn fails at a rate of ~33-50%

Steps to Reproduce

/create ledger

    "ledger": "232894ba-7862-4530-beb9-9efd8eb6e86c",
    "insert": {
        "message": "success"

/transact Policy & ID data

    "@context": {
        "f": "https://ns.flur.ee/ledger#",
        "ex": "http://example.org/",
        "f:equals": {
            "@container": "@list"
    "insert": [
            "@id": "ex:alice",
            "@type": "ex:User",
            "ex:secret": "alice's secret"
            "@id": "ex:bob",
            "@type": "ex:User",
            "ex:secret": "bob's secret"
            "@id": "ex:userPolicy",
            "@type": [
            "f:targetClass": {
                "@id": "ex:User"
            "f:allow": [
                    "@id": "ex:globalViewAllow",
                    "f:targetRole": {
                        "@id": "ex:userRole"
                    "f:action": [
                            "@id": "f:view"
            "f:property": [
                    "f:path": {
                        "@id": "ex:secret"
                    "f:allow": [
                            "@id": "ex:secretsRule",
                            "f:targetRole": {
                                "@id": "ex:userRole"
                            "f:action": [
                                    "@id": "f:view"
                                    "@id": "f:modify"
                            "f:equals": [
                                    "@id": "f:$identity"
                                    "@id": "ex:user"
            "@id": "did:fluree:TfHgFTQQiJMHaK1r1qxVPZ3Ridj9pCozqnh",
            "ex:user": {
                "@id": "ex:alice"
            "f:role": {
                "@id": "ex:userRole"
    "ledger": "232894ba-7862-4530-beb9-9efd8eb6e86c"

/transact with signed JWS
