flurinduerst / WPDistillery

WordPress Setup runner for Scotch Box
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Import ACF JSON file after plugins install #54

Closed jordanboston closed 7 years ago

jordanboston commented 7 years ago

As a feature request, it would be great to be able to import all our default ACF field groups and fields on install. We can download/export a json file that can be imported into a new WordPress install, or php to add to functions.php with the same data. It would be awesome to define this in the config and then import all of that from a git repo with the json data.


This would have to be after the plugin installs of course, but would make the whole process even better. Thanks!

ShaneShipston commented 7 years ago

Any reason you don't want to use the local JSON option offered? This way you can just have a acf-json folder within your theme that holds all your field groups you may need.


jordanboston commented 7 years ago

Good point. I guess this automation is not really needed. Thanks