flurinduerst / WPDistillery

WordPress Setup runner for Scotch Box
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Guest Additions required but not installed #93

Closed bluehaoran closed 5 years ago

bluehaoran commented 5 years ago

Hi there!

Love your work, but I ran into issues when doing a straight: 1) clone, 2) vagrant up.

This message:

Vagrant was unable to mount VirtualBox shared folders. This is usually because the filesystem "vboxsf" is not available. This filesystem is made available via the VirtualBox Guest Additions and kernel module. Please verify that these guest additions are properly installed in the guest.

Running on:

bluehaoran commented 5 years ago

I was able to get a partial workaround using a certain snippet to force install VG Guest Additions. I am not sure if this is the best workaround, but I added to the top of the Vagrantfile.

REQUIRED_PLUGINS = %w(vagrant-vbguest)

# Ensure Vagrant vb-guest is installed
plugins_to_install = REQUIRED_PLUGINS.select { |plugin| not Vagrant.has_plugin? plugin }
if not plugins_to_install.empty?
  puts "Installing required plugins: #{plugins_to_install.join(' ')}"
  if system "vagrant plugin install #{plugins_to_install.join(' ')}"
    exec "vagrant #{ARGV.join(' ')}"
    abort "Installation of one or more plugins has failed. Aborting. Please read the Bike Index README."
bluehaoran commented 5 years ago

I bit of extra data on this: I believe that Scotchbox pre-supposes guest additions for VirtualBox 5.1, and something was incompatible with Virtualbox 5.2. But the code snippet above forces installation of the correct version.

dutchigor commented 5 years ago

I get the same issue. The above snippet did not solve the problem for me.

flurinduerst commented 5 years ago

Hey, sorry for being late to the party. This is a scotchbox related issue. Anyhow, the solution to this is to install vagrant-vbguest before running vagrant. This will install the correct vbguest package into the box.

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant vbguest

For details, please see https://github.com/scotch-io/scotch-box/issues/296

Please let me know if that solved your problem.

dutchigor commented 5 years ago

Thanks! that did the job for me.

flurinduerst commented 5 years ago

Added a note to the readme. See https://github.com/flurinduerst/WPDistillery/commit/e1d081fd3196545837858d6dbf7551109933200a