flurry / react-native-flurry-sdk

React Native Flurry SDK
Apache License 2.0
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Crashes on iOS in production #25

Closed AlanKeiss closed 3 years ago

AlanKeiss commented 3 years ago

Since the 18th september 2020, we notice a lot of crashes on Crashlytics coming from Flurry SDK in most of our apps that use react-native-flurry-sdk 4.1.0 or lower versions. Most of these apps have not been updated in the last 6 months. We have a lot of apps and could not afford an update for each of them.

Here is the meaningful part of the stack trace : 

Fatal Exception: NSInvalidArgumentException -[NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:]: object cannot be nil (key: fl.TransactionIdentifier) 0  CoreFoundation                 0x19cf1a5ac exceptionPreprocess 1  libobjc.A.dylib                0x1b0f9442c objc_exception_throw 2  CoreFoundation                 0x19cf894cc -[NSCFString characterAtIndex:].cold.1 3  CoreFoundation                 0x19cf9580c -[NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:].cold.3 4  CoreFoundation                 0x19cdfed44 -[NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:] 5  APP_NAME                         0x10468bc40 -[FlurryRecordTransactionRequestManager eventParamsWithTransaction:] 6  APP_NAME                         0x10468b61c 76-[FlurryRecordTransactionRequestManager doRecordTransaction:statusCallback:]_block_invoke_3

This Bug is About



Additional context Are you using Flurry Push/Messaging? No (iOS) Are you using CocoaPods for React Native integration? Yes

Thank you

poting-oath commented 3 years ago

@AlanKeiss Please try to upgrade your plugin. The one, 4.1.0, was released 13 months ago and we have lots of changes since then. And iOS also introduced many new policies. Thanks!

hantao-flurrydev commented 3 years ago

@AlanKeiss thanks for sharing this issue with us. After investigation, the issue seems also available in the newest iOS SDK version, so please do not upgrade the plugin until we release a new patch with the fix for this issue. We will let you know for any update on this, and thanks again for your patience.

hantao-flurrydev commented 3 years ago

@AlanKeiss Please upgrade to the newer versions of plugin, which contains the new API levels that resolves issue like this.

poting-oath commented 3 years ago

Close it because we already have fix long ago.