I am getting the following error in iOS any idea why? It is running fine on android:
Runner[7479:569477] [VERBOSE-2:ui_dart_state.cc(199)] Unhandled Exception: type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'FutureOr<EdgeDetectionResult>'
#0 EdgeDetector._subscribeToPort.<anonymous closure> (package:appname/pages/image_manipulation/edge_detector.dart:64:26)
<asynchronous suspension>
This code on line 64 of edge_detector is:
Future<T> _subscribeToPort<T>(ReceivePort port) async {
StreamSubscription sub;
var completer = new Completer<T>();
sub = port.listen((result) async {
await sub?.cancel();
completer.complete(await result); // <- HERE
return completer.future;
App is compiling fine, but whenever edge detection is triggered, the above error occurs.
I am getting the following error in iOS any idea why? It is running fine on android:
This code on line 64 of edge_detector is:
App is compiling fine, but whenever edge detection is triggered, the above error occurs.