flutter-mapbox-gl / maps

A Mapbox GL flutter package for creating custom maps
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Map totally distorted with Flutter 3.x.x #1041

Closed felix-mittermeier closed 2 years ago

felix-mittermeier commented 2 years ago

Flutter 3.0.0 was released this night and unfortunately it broke MapBox on Android.

To reproduce: build the example app with the 3.0.0 version, run it and open for example "Place symbol" Result:

As you can see the map is not in its usual constraint bounds, has a different side ratio, is also moved up and therefore drawn under the status bar. Probably it is just added at x: 0, y: 0 and is therefore in the top left corner.

As you can read in the article introducing the new flutter version here: https://medium.com/flutter/whats-new-in-flutter-3-8c74a5bc32d0 it looks like something regarding the Android platform view has been changed:

Bildschirmfoto 2022-05-12 um 15 22 17

Unfortunately I was not able to find more information regarding this change or how this can be fixed.

More information:

SalarPro commented 2 years ago

The same problem here Screenshot-1652388058

Hapkiduki commented 2 years ago

Same issue when I use with Stack

Dimolll commented 2 years ago

Same issue

royer commented 2 years ago

same issue

Sipioteo commented 2 years ago


metafounder commented 2 years ago


felix-ht commented 2 years ago

Seems to be less of an issues on physical devices. However there certainly seem to be some weird stuff going on while navigating.


Sipioteo commented 2 years ago

The map is literally coming hover everything, i can't even see the app bar. It's one of the worst bug i have ever seen. I think it's coming from the flutter v3.0.0 that haave changed some rules hover the andorid views.

I will try to fix it today evening, i never had touched this repo so probably i will not be able to find the issue

penhorwood commented 2 years ago

My physical device (Samsung S10) and my virtual ones are affected by this bug. The map is moved up over the app bar which covers the menu items. This bug has made my app unusable.

SaeedMasoumi commented 2 years ago

It's also laggy on iOS with a 120hz screen.

felix-ht commented 2 years ago

Will try to to look into that - no idea what changed on the flutter side tho

Sipioteo commented 2 years ago

Guys, i have fixed it. Good work


sawcce commented 2 years ago

When will the new update be merged?

AAverin commented 2 years ago

I have tried switching to new initExpensiveAndroidView in a custom branch, that resolves the distortion, but very often app now crashes with

E/flutter (29430): [ERROR:flutter/fml/platform/android/jni_util.cc(204)] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Platform view hasn't been initialized from the platform view channel.
E/flutter (29430):  at io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewsController.initializePlatformViewIfNeeded(PlatformViewsController.java:732)
E/flutter (29430):  at io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewsController.onDisplayPlatformView(PlatformViewsController.java:791)
E/flutter (29430):  at io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterJNI.onDisplayPlatformView(FlutterJNI.java:1380)
E/flutter (29430):  at android.os.MessageQueue.nativePollOnce(Native Method)
E/flutter (29430):  at android.os.MessageQueue.next(MessageQueue.java:326)
E/flutter (29430):  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:160)
E/flutter (29430):  at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6718)
E/flutter (29430):  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
E/flutter (29430):  at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:491)
E/flutter (29430):  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:858)

This would need to be resolved before we can close the ticket. I guess it's somehow related to new async composition of native views

AAverin commented 2 years ago

According to https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/103630 it should be resolved on Flutter master branch

AAverin commented 2 years ago

As per latest finding by @felix-ht, the exception is resolved on Flutter master. But there is another issue – onStyleLoadedCallback ends up being triggered twice.

AAverin commented 2 years ago

Debugging, looks like platformview gets created twice, caused by Flutter calling PlatformViewCreatedCallback twice.

sawcce commented 2 years ago

Since Sipioteo's PR was closed, have there been any updates? It's really frustrating to have to disable the map everytime I want to do something else with the ui

AAverin commented 2 years ago

Not much can be done until Flutter fixes are done with https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/103630.

sawcce commented 2 years ago

Not much can be done until Flutter fixes are done with https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/103630.

What about this? https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/103630#issuecomment-1129224567

AAverin commented 2 years ago

It only fixes the initial issue with map overlaps and distortions, but there is a bug in Flutter 3 resulting in PlatformViewCreatedCallback being triggered twice. This causes map logic to be called twice, having two calls to onStyleLoadedCallback

AAverin commented 2 years ago

@Sipioteo is welcome to re-create his PR by squashing all commits and having only the necessary changes for the fix

felix-mittermeier commented 2 years ago

It only fixes the initial issue with map overlaps and distortions, but there is a bug in Flutter 3 resulting in PlatformViewCreatedCallback being triggered twice. This causes map logic to be called twice, having two calls to onStyleLoadedCallback

I think what @sawcce means is to also remove the controller.create(); line, which possibly prevent the double callback. I was not able to try it out yet. Can you try it if it fixes the issue?

sawcce commented 2 years ago

It only fixes the initial issue with map overlaps and distortions, but there is a bug in Flutter 3 resulting in PlatformViewCreatedCallback being triggered twice. This causes map logic to be called twice, having two calls to onStyleLoadedCallback

I think what @sawcce means is to also remove the controller.create(); line, which possibly prevent the double callback. I was not able to try it out yet. Can you try it if it fixes the issue?

I did not think of this at first but now that you say it, I think this could be the solution. I was originally referencing this because of my overlapping issues since I wasn't using the onStyleLoaded callback and that the distortion/overlap was the original topic here

I guess trying to remove the call to see if it fixes it could work ?

AAverin commented 2 years ago

@felix-mittermeier According to my tests, whatever is added to the controller is triggered twice by Flutter here: https://github.com/flutter-mapbox-gl/maps/blob/47b77e74cf261cf1ca75938481a0736eb5ca0492/mapbox_gl_platform_interface/lib/src/method_channel_mapbox_gl.dart#L171

I will test now with controller.create() removed

dan-gandolfo commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone ,

Have you some news about this issue?


kamami commented 2 years ago

Any updates? When can this be fixed? I tried flutter master channel, but issue still persists...

dawid-niedzwiecki commented 2 years ago

Any updates?

AAverin commented 2 years ago

Issue is blocked by https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/103630

dawid-niedzwiecki commented 2 years ago

How did this guy fix the issue? He somehow managed to do it. https://github.com/Sipioteo/maps_3_0_0

AAverin commented 2 years ago

@dawid-niedzwiecki You can see the fix here: https://github.com/flutter-mapbox-gl/maps/pull/1059. It will fix the distortion and some overlap issues, but will bring lots of performance problems. It is due to a regression issue in Flutter described in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/103630. Should be resolved with https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/33599, once it's merged and released to Flutter stable channel.

penhorwood commented 2 years ago

This issue is waiting on https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/33599 on the flutter engine. Not sure what is keeping this pull request from being merged. Leave at comment at the link to show the number of people waiting on this.

MapleNoise commented 2 years ago

How did this guy fix the issue? He somehow managed to do it. https://github.com/Sipioteo/maps_3_0_0

@dawid-niedzwiecki Like that :

      url: https://github.com/Sipioteo/maps_3_0_0.git
      ref: master
AAverin commented 2 years ago

@MapleNoise You can also do the same using this branch https://github.com/flutter-mapbox-gl/maps/pull/1059 as reference. But, just to be clear, that branch fixes distortion on Flutter 3, but introduces other issues like performance problem and regular crashes. Which is why we are waiting for Flutter team to roll back their changes to the PlatformViews in the engine before we merge anything. Big chance PR will be just deleted because after engine rollback no changes will be necessary.

BerndWessels commented 2 years ago

Any indication if this issue will be fixed in Flutter 3 anytime soon? Unfortunately it sometimes takes ages for Flutter issues to be addressed.

danehale0612 commented 2 years ago

Anyone know any workarounds for this? Did anyone downgrade flutter versions to fix or anything? I have a Mapbox map drawing over my Floating Action Buttons

lonelyteapot commented 2 years ago

@danehale0612, downgrade Flutter to 2.10.5 or less. Run flutter downgrade or checkout your local flutter repo to tag 2.10.5

kamami commented 2 years ago

Can this be fixed with flutter 3.0.2?

felix-mittermeier commented 2 years ago

Can this be fixed with flutter 3.0.2?

3.0.2 has already been published, see here: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Hotfixes-to-the-Stable-Channel but unfortunately it does not include a fix for this. We will have to wait until the next release.

wanoghoco commented 2 years ago

this issue also occurs when trying to integrate camerax or creating camera plugin with flutter using androidview

BerndWessels commented 2 years ago

Does this statement make sense to anybody with deeper knowledge of the Mapbox plugin https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/33599#pullrequestreview-1014660559 ? Is there another way to fix this by changing the how the mapbox plugin works?


babayaga2002 commented 2 years ago

Is it working now ?? WhatsApp Image 2022-06-20 at 4 37 00 PM (1) WhatsApp Image 2022-06-20 at 4 37 00 PM

The Map just covers everything on the home page

penhorwood commented 2 years ago

The changes to Flutter 3.x were merged into Flutter main a few hours ago. What needs to happen on mapbox_gl to return us to a working version?

AAverin commented 2 years ago

If all is good, then, hopefully, nothing. This PR (https://github.com/flutter-mapbox-gl/maps/pull/1059) tries to apply some suggestions from the original Flutter thread. But if everything was reverted then changes in that PR shouldn't be necessary anymore.

Could you please test if latest mapbox library works on latest Flutter master? I will also do my own testing when I get some free time.

penhorwood commented 2 years ago

I am currently on vacation but I will test once I return home next week.

motrieux-thomas commented 2 years ago

Could you please test if latest mapbox library works on latest Flutter master? I will also do my own testing when I get some free time.

@AAverin I just tried the latest mapbox library on the latest Flutter master (3.1.0-0.0.pre.1360) and the problem isn't resolve. The map stay on the top of the screen.

By the way the fix (https://github.com/Sipioteo/maps_3_0_0) works perfectly on the latest master (3.1.0-0.0.pre.1360) and stable (3.0.3).

penhorwood commented 2 years ago

I appears that the VirutalDisplay fix on the Flutter engine was merged into Flutter master just a few hours ago. The first merge was into Flutter / Engine. Then they have some automated task that rolls that into Flutter master. It appears complicated to me. But I think you might want to try your test again.

lonelyteapot commented 2 years ago

It's finally fixed on Flutter main! Works as before for me.

DARLINGTON-CG commented 2 years ago

Which flutter version, and mapbox version was this fixed please?

lonelyteapot commented 2 years ago

Which flutter version, and mapbox version was this fixed please?

Flutter engine revision e986f43ab Flutter 3.1.0-0.0.pre.1364 (current state of the main branch) mapbox_gl 0.16.0 (no fix was needed)