flutter-stripe / flutter_stripe

Flutter SDK for Stripe.
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Wasm support #1789

Open rokk4 opened 2 weeks ago

rokk4 commented 2 weeks ago

Make flutter-stripe not hinder wasm compilation.

    Context: The unavailable library 'dart:html' is imported through these packages:

    web_plugin_registrant.dart => package:flutter_stripe_web => dart:html
    web_plugin_registrant.dart => package:flutter_stripe_web => package:stripe_js => dart:html

Describe the solution you'd like Move away from dart:html and dart:js

package:web, which replaces dart:html (and other web libraries) dart:js_interop, which replaces package:js and dart:js


remonh87 commented 1 week ago

we will launch a dev version soon with the new interop

remonh87 commented 1 week ago

you can try version 6.0.0-dev.0 which I just published