When I try running and debugging a (in this case, pure Dart) web app with webdev serve --debug, I get repeated survey errors that are unactionable and aren't relevant to developers:
[INFO] Serving DevTools at
[INFO] Serving `web` on
[INFO] Running build completed, took 54ms
[INFO] Caching finalized dependency graph completed, took 90ms
[INFO] Succeeded after 146ms with 0 outputs (0 actions)
[INFO] Debug service listening on sse://$debugHandler
ERROR: setActiveSurvey not called. - api/getSurveyShownCount
ERROR: setActiveSurvey not called. - api/getSurveyActionTaken
Reproduction steps:
dart create -t web web_app
dart pub add dev:webdev
dart run webdev serve --debug
Open DevTools, either through the output link or the debug extension.
I'd like to refactor the survey APIs so that we can remove the setActiveSurvey api altogether and just send the active survey as a parameter with the other survey APIs.
Copied from: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/56843
When I try running and debugging a (in this case, pure Dart) web app with
webdev serve --debug
, I get repeated survey errors that are unactionable and aren't relevant to developers:Reproduction steps:
dart create -t web web_app
dart pub add dev:webdev
dart run webdev serve --debug