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Admob shows up on emulator but not on real device #25410

Closed adhikagunadarma closed 4 years ago

adhikagunadarma commented 5 years ago

Steps to Reproduce

Implemented both banner and interstitial ads on my flutter apps, On the first time i implemented the ads, it show both on emulator and real device. But late this days, it only shows on emulator and never on real device and get this issue on real device

[   +3 ms] I/Ads     (16435): Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("CF6A1CD9119107EB31C27339FF9E9651") to get test ads on this device.


[   +6 ms] 🔥  To hot reload changes while running, press "r". To hot restart (and rebuild state), press "R".
[   +3 ms] An Observatory debugger and profiler on A1601 is available at:
[        ] For a more detailed help message, press "h". To detach, press "d"; to quit, press "q".
[+3011 ms] D/ActivityThread(16435): hoder:android.app.IActivityManager$ContentProviderHolder@193657ca,provider,holder.Provider:android.content.ContentProviderProxy@3b1f1d3b
[  +27 ms] D/DynamitePackage(16435): Instantiating com.google.android.gms.ads.ChimeraMobileAdsSettingManagerCreatorImpl
[  +97 ms] W/linker  (16435): /data/app/com.google.android.webview-1/lib/arm64/libwebviewchromium.so: unused DT entry: type 0x6ffffffe arg 0x15518
[   +2 ms] W/linker  (16435): /data/app/com.google.android.webview-1/lib/arm64/libwebviewchromium.so: unused DT entry: type 0x6fffffff arg 0x3
[ +123 ms] I/WebViewFactory(16435): Loading com.google.android.webview version 61.0.3163.98 (code 316309850)
[  +47 ms] I/art     (16435): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.android.webview.chromium.TokenBindingManagerAdapter>
[   +1 ms] I/art     (16435): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.android.webview.chromium.TokenBindingManagerAdapter>
[  +18 ms] I/art     (16435): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.android.webview.chromium.ServiceWorkerControllerAdapter>
[   +3 ms] I/art     (16435): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.android.webview.chromium.ServiceWorkerControllerAdapter>
[  +19 ms] I/cr_LibraryLoader(16435): Time to load native libraries: 3 ms (timestamps 4949-4952)
[ +183 ms] D/WebView (16435): WebView<init>
[  +50 ms] I/chromium(16435): [INFO:library_loader_hooks.cc(136)] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
[   +2 ms] I/cr_LibraryLoader(16435): Expected native library version number "61.0.3163.98", actual native library version number "61.0.3163.98"
[ +148 ms] I/cr_BrowserStartup(16435): Initializing chromium process, singleProcess=true
[ +228 ms] D/MALI    (16435): eglCreateContext:206: [MALI] eglCreateContext display 0x7f7505d140, share context 0x0 here.
[   +2 ms] D/MALI    (16435): gles_context_new:248: Create GLES ctx 0x7f4635c008 successfully
[   +7 ms] D/MALI    (16435): eglCreateContext:543: [MALI] eglCreateContext end. Created context 0x7f4626cf70 here.
[  +20 ms] D/MALI    (16435): eglDestroyContext:559: [MALI] eglDestroyContext display 0x7f7505d140, context 0x7f4626cf70 here.
[   +1 ms] D/MALI    (16435): gles_context_delete:435: Destroy GLES ctx 0x7f4635c008 successfully
[ +185 ms] I/art     (16435): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewContentsClientAdapter$WebResourceErrorImpl>
[  +18 ms] I/art     (16435): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewContentsClientAdapter$WebResourceErrorImpl>
[ +180 ms] I/art     (16435): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<org.chromium.content.browser.FloatingActionModeCallback>
[   +2 ms] I/art     (16435): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<org.chromium.content.browser.FloatingActionModeCallback>
[  +59 ms] D/WebView (16435): addJavascriptInterface=googleAdsJsInterface
[   +2 ms] D/WebView (16435): removeJavascriptInterface=accessibility
[   +2 ms] D/WebView (16435): removeJavascriptInterface=accessibilityTraversal
[  +18 ms] D/WebView (16435): loadUrl=https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/mads/static/mad/sdk/native/sdk-core-v40-loader.html
[  +33 ms] W/cr_media(16435): Requires BLUETOOTH permission
[ +138 ms] D/ActivityThread(16435): hoder:android.app.IActivityManager$ContentProviderHolder@bb5832a,provider,holder.Provider:android.content.ContentProviderProxy@26bbd51b
[  +22 ms] D/DynamitePackage(16435): Instantiating com.google.android.gms.ads.ChimeraAdManagerCreatorImpl
[  +46 ms] I/Ads     (16435): Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("CF6A1CD9119107EB31C27339FF9E9651") to get test ads on this device.
[ +229 ms] I/DynamiteModule(16435): Considering local module com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite:0 and remote module com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite:11020
[   +5 ms] I/DynamiteModule(16435): Selected remote version of com.google.android.gms.ads.dynamite, version >= 11020
[  +70 ms] D/DynamitePackage(16435): Instantiating com.google.android.gms.ads.ChimeraAdManagerCreatorImpl
[   +3 ms] I/Ads     (16435): Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("CF6A1CD9119107EB31C27339FF9E9651") to get test ads on this device.
[ +105 ms] I/art     (16435): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 38973(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 30(1260KB) LOS objects, 17% free, 12MB/15MB, paused 4.125ms total
[ +173 ms] W/cr_CrashFileManager(16435): /data/data/com.example.catdogencyclopedia/cache/WebView/Crash Reports does not exist or is not a directory
[ +113 ms] E/libEGL  (16435): validate_display:255 error 3008 (EGL_BAD_DISPLAY)
[   +3 ms] D/MALI    (16435): eglCreateContext:206: [MALI] eglCreateContext display 0x7f7505d140, share context 0x0 here.
[   +2 ms] D/MALI    (16435): gles_context_new:248: Create GLES ctx 0x7f4330c008 successfully
[   +2 ms] D/MALI    (16435): eglCreateContext:543: [MALI] eglCreateContext end. Created context 0x7f43214e08 here.
[  +26 ms] D/MALI    (16435): eglDestroyContext:559: [MALI] eglDestroyContext display 0x7f7505d140, context 0x7f43214e08 here.
[   +3 ms] D/MALI    (16435): gles_context_delete:435: Destroy GLES ctx 0x7f4330c008 successfully
[ +118 ms] W/AudioCapabilities(16435): Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-ms
[   +6 ms] W/AudioCapabilities(16435): Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-dvi-ima
[  +12 ms] W/AudioCapabilities(16435): Unsupported mime audio/ape
[   +2 ms] W/AudioCapabilities(16435): Unsupported mime audio/alac
[   +2 ms] W/VideoCapabilities(16435): Unsupported mime video/mpeg2
[  +45 ms] W/VideoCapabilities(16435): Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
[  +20 ms] W/VideoCapabilities(16435): Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv
[   +7 ms] W/VideoCapabilities(16435): Unsupported mime video/divx
[   +7 ms] W/VideoCapabilities(16435): Unsupported mime video/divx3
[   +5 ms] W/VideoCapabilities(16435): Unsupported mime video/xvid
[   +4 ms] W/VideoCapabilities(16435): Unsupported mime video/flv1
[  +39 ms] W/AudioCapabilities(16435): Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-ms
[   +2 ms] W/AudioCapabilities(16435): Unsupported mime audio/x-adpcm-dvi-ima
[  +12 ms] W/cr_MediaCodecUtil(16435): HW encoder for video/avc is not available on this device.
[  +28 ms] D/MALI    (16435): eglCreateContext:206: [MALI] eglCreateContext display 0x7f7505d140, share context 0x0 here.
[   +2 ms] D/MALI    (16435): gles_context_new:248: Create GLES ctx 0x7f4330c008 successfully
[   +2 ms] D/MALI    (16435): eglCreateContext:543: [MALI] eglCreateContext end. Created context 0x7f462d2ed0 here.
[ +364 ms] W/Ads     (16435): Not retrying to fetch app settings
[   +2 ms] W/Ads     (16435): Not retrying to fetch app settings
[ +299 ms] D/WebView (16435): evaluateJavascript=(function(){})()
[   +2 ms] D/WebView (16435):
[  +59 ms] D/libc-netbsd(16435): [getaddrinfo]: mtk hostname=googleads.g.doubleclick.net; servname=(null); cache_mode=(null), netid=0; mark=0; app_uid=10225; ai_addrlen=0;
ai_canonname=(null); ai_flags=1024; ai_family=0
[  +29 ms] D/libc-netbsd(16435): getaddrinfo: googleads.g.doubleclick.net get result from proxy >>
[ +158 ms] D/OpenSSLLib(16435): OpensslErr:Module:13(114:155); file:external/openssl/crypto/asn1/asn1_lib.c ;Line:145;Function:ASN1_get_object
[   +4 ms] D/OpenSSLLib(16435): OpensslErr:Module:13(114:155); file:external/openssl/crypto/asn1/asn1_lib.c ;Line:145;Function:ASN1_get_object
[ +104 ms] W/flutter (16435): onAdFailedToLoad: 0
[   +2 ms] I/Ads     (16435): Ad failed to load : 0
[   +4 ms] W/flutter (16435): onAdFailedToLoad: 0
[   +1 ms] I/Ads     (16435): Ad failed to load : 0
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435):
[   +2 ms] I/System.out(16435):
[  +28 ms] I/flutter (16435): eventnynya
[   +1 ms] I/flutter (16435): MobileAdEvent.failedToLoad
[   +2 ms] I/flutter (16435): MobileAdEvent.failedToLoad
[   +1 ms] D/PerfServiceWrapper(16435): Reflection Init
[   +1 ms] D/PerfServiceWrapper(16435): Reflection Init
[   +9 ms] I/System.out(16435): sLuckyMoneyUrl = hongbao/img/hb.png
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): sLuckyMoneyUrl = hongbao/img/hb.png
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [CDS][DNS] getAllByNameImpl netId = 0
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [CDS][DNS] getAllByNameImpl netId = 0
[   +1 ms] D/libc-netbsd(16435): [getaddrinfo]: mtk hostname=csi.gstatic.com; servname=(null); cache_mode=(null), netid=0; mark=0; app_uid=10225; ai_addrlen=0; ai_canonname=(null);
ai_flags=4; ai_family=0
[   +1 ms] D/libc-netbsd(16435): [getaddrinfo]: mtk hostname=csi.gstatic.com; servname=(null); cache_mode=(null), netid=0; mark=0; app_uid=10225; ai_addrlen=0; ai_canonname=(null);
ai_flags=4; ai_family=0
[   +2 ms] D/libc-netbsd(16435): [getaddrinfo]: mtk hostname=csi.gstatic.com; servname=(null); cache_mode=(null), netid=0; mark=0; app_uid=10225; ai_addrlen=0; ai_canonname=(null);
ai_flags=1024; ai_family=0
[   +1 ms] D/libc-netbsd(16435): [getaddrinfo]: mtk hostname=csi.gstatic.com; servname=(null); cache_mode=(null), netid=0; mark=0; app_uid=10225; ai_addrlen=0; ai_canonname=(null);
ai_flags=1024; ai_family=0
[  +17 ms] D/libc-netbsd(16435): getaddrinfo: csi.gstatic.com get result from proxy >>
[   +3 ms] I/System.out(16435): [CDS]rx timeout:60000
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [socket][0] connection csi.gstatic.com/;LocalPort=40557(60000)
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [CDS]connect[csi.gstatic.com/] tm:60
[   +1 ms] D/Posix   (16435): [Posix_connect Debug]Process com.example.catdogencyclopedia :443 
[   +1 ms] D/libc-netbsd(16435): getaddrinfo: csi.gstatic.com get result from proxy >>
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [CDS]rx timeout:60000
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [socket][1] connection csi.gstatic.com/;LocalPort=39521(60000)
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [CDS]connect[csi.gstatic.com/] tm:60
[   +1 ms] D/Posix   (16435): [Posix_connect Debug]Process com.example.catdogencyclopedia :443 
[ +169 ms] I/System.out(16435): [socket][/] connected
[   +3 ms] D/libc-netbsd(16435): [getaddrinfo]: mtk hostname=csi.gstatic.com; servname=(null); cache_mode=(null), netid=0; mark=0; app_uid=10225; ai_addrlen=0; ai_canonname=(null);
ai_flags=4; ai_family=0
[   +3 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake fd=0x7f1cf6f5d4 shc=0x7f1cf6f5d8 timeout_millis=60000 client_mode=1 npn=0x0
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake ++
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x10 ret=1
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 handshake start in UNKWN  before/connect initialization
[   +2 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback calling handshakeCompleted
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback completed
[   +2 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:UNKWN  before/connect initialization
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[   +2 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:23WCHA SSLv2/v3 write client hello A
[   +2 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:error exit in 23RSHA SSLv2/v3 read server hello A
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake -- ret=-1
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake ret=-1 errno=11 sslError=2 timeout_millis=60000
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [socket][/] connected
[        ] D/libc-netbsd(16435): [getaddrinfo]: mtk hostname=csi.gstatic.com; servname=(null); cache_mode=(null), netid=0; mark=0; app_uid=10225; ai_addrlen=0; ai_canonname=(null);
ai_flags=4; ai_family=0
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake fd=0x7f52df65d4 shc=0x7f52df65d8 timeout_millis=60000 client_mode=1 npn=0x0
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake ++
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x10 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 handshake start in UNKWN  before/connect initialization
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback calling handshakeCompleted
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback completed
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:UNKWN  before/connect initialization
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:23WCHA SSLv2/v3 write client hello A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:error exit in 23RSHA SSLv2/v3 read server hello A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake -- ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake ret=-1 errno=11 sslError=2 timeout_millis=60000
[ +166 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake ++
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:3RSH_A SSLv3 read server hello A
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[   +2 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
[  +10 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:error exit in 3RSC_A SSLv3 read server certificate A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:error exit in 3RSC_A SSLv3 read server certificate A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake -- ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake ret=-1 errno=11 sslError=2 timeout_millis=60000
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake ++
[        ] E/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 cert_verify_callback x509_store_ctx=0x7f1cf6f2e8 arg=0x0
[        ] E/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 cert_verify_callback calling verifyCertificateChain authMethod=ECDHE_ECDSA
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake ++
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:3RSH_A SSLv3 read server hello A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:error exit in 3RSC_A SSLv3 read server certificate A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:error exit in 3RSC_A SSLv3 read server certificate A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake -- ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake ret=-1 errno=11 sslError=2 timeout_millis=60000
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake ++
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:error exit in 3RSC_A SSLv3 read server certificate A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake -- ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake ret=-1 errno=11 sslError=2 timeout_millis=60000
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake ++
[        ] E/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 cert_verify_callback x509_store_ctx=0x7f52df62e8 arg=0x0
[        ] E/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 cert_verify_callback calling verifyCertificateChain authMethod=ECDHE_ECDSA
[  +32 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 cert_verify_callback => 1
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:3RSC_A SSLv3 read server certificate A
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 cert_verify_callback => 1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:3RSC_A SSLv3 read server certificate A
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:3RSKEA SSLv3 read server key exchange A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:3RSD_A SSLv3 read server done A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:3RSKEA SSLv3 read server key exchange A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:3RSD_A SSLv3 read server done A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:3WCKEA SSLv3 write client key exchange A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:3WCCSA SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:3WFINA SSLv3 write finished A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:3FLUSH SSLv3 flush data
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:error exit in UNKWN  SSLv3 read server session ticket A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake -- ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake ret=-1 errno=11 sslError=2 timeout_millis=60000
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:3WCKEA SSLv3 write client key exchange A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:3WCCSA SSLv3 write change cipher spec A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:3WFINA SSLv3 write finished A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:3FLUSH SSLv3 flush data
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:error exit in UNKWN  SSLv3 read server session ticket A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake -- ret=-1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 NativeCrypto_SSL_do_handshake ret=-1 errno=11 sslError=2 timeout_millis=60000
[ +183 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake ++
[   +4 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:UNKWN  SSLv3 read server session ticket A
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[   +2 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:3RFINA SSLv3 read finished A
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x20 ret=1
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 handshake done in SSLOK  SSL negotiation finished successfully
[   +2 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback calling handshakeCompleted
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback completed
[   +2 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=1
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 SSL_connect:ok exit in SSLOK  SSL negotiation finished successfully
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 info_callback ignored
[   +6 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake -- ret=1
[  +26 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 NativeCrypto_SSL_get_certificate => NULL
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): gba_cipher_suite:TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [CDS]SO_SND_TIMEOUT:0
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f6dd9ac80 sslWrite buf=0x7f5333a000 len=662 write_timeout_millis=0
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake ++
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:UNKWN  SSLv3 read server session ticket A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1001 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:3RFINA SSLv3 read finished A
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x20 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 handshake done in SSLOK  SSL negotiation finished successfully
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback calling handshakeCompleted
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback completed
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback where=0x1002 ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 SSL_connect:ok exit in SSLOK  SSL negotiation finished successfully
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 info_callback ignored
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): doing handshake -- ret=1
[        ] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 NativeCrypto_SSL_get_certificate => NULL
[        ] I/System.out(16435): gba_cipher_suite:TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
[        ] I/System.out(16435): [CDS]SO_SND_TIMEOUT:0
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
[   +1 ms] I/System.out(16435): [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
[   +1 ms] D/NativeCrypto(16435): ssl=0x7f7508fe80 sslWrite buf=0x7f68d10800 len=661 write_timeout_millis=0
   info - The value of the field '_bgImage' isn't used - lib\style\theme.dart:24:16 - unused_field
   info - The value of the field '_imageThreshold' isn't used - lib\ui\details_page.dart:46:17 - unused_field
   info - Name non-constant identifiers using lowerCamelCase - lib\ui\details_page.dart:49:17 - non_constant_identifier_names
   info - Name non-constant identifiers using lowerCamelCase - lib\ui\details_page.dart:50:17 - non_constant_identifier_names
   info - The method '_buildBottomBar' isn't used - lib\ui\details_page.dart:324:10 - unused_element
   info - The method '_buildBottomBar' isn't used - lib\ui\list_animals.dart:290:10 - unused_element
[√] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.0.0, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.471], locale en-US)
    • Flutter version 1.0.0 at C:\flutter
    • Framework revision 5391447fae (2 weeks ago), 2018-11-29 19:41:26 -0800
    • Engine revision 7375a0f414
    • Dart version 2.1.0 (build 2.1.0-dev.9.4 f9ebf21297)

[√] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK 28.0.3)
    • Android SDK at C:\Users\sunwell\AppData\Local\Android\sdk
    • Android NDK location not configured (optional; useful for native profiling support)
    • Platform android-28, build-tools 28.0.3
    • Java binary at: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\bin\java
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-release-1136-b06)
    • All Android licenses accepted.

[√] Android Studio (version 3.2)
    • Android Studio at C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio
    • Flutter plugin version 31.1.1
    • Dart plugin version 181.5656
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-release-1136-b06)

[!] IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (version 2018.2)
    • IntelliJ at C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2018.2.5
    X Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality.
    X Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality.
    • For information about installing plugins, see

[√] Connected device (1 available)
    • A1601 • 7TLFTCT8HEHMU4BM • android-arm64 • Android 5.1 (API 22)

! Doctor found issues in 1 category.
dark-chocolate commented 5 years ago

@adhikagunadarma How can we reproduce those steps which worked fine earlier and now it failed to work? Please add relevant details to your question, like code you tried. And do mention which type of ads are not showing, test ads or your own admob account ads?

adhikagunadarma commented 5 years ago

@dark-chocolate honestly IDK, i don't touch any of the code for the ads while i'm changing the others. Both of the ads didn't show and i use my own admob account ads

dark-chocolate commented 5 years ago


  1. Never test your own ad, always use test ad units,
  2. If you create a new admob app id, it might take some time for these ad units to go live, so it won't show ad. So, if you run test ad units, does it work in real device?
adhikagunadarma commented 5 years ago

when i change it to test ad units, it works on the real device. But back then i'm also using the same own ads on real device and it was shown on the real device too. So far what i've been doing around the ads is comment the code that show the ads to make the debug process lighter

dark-chocolate commented 5 years ago

As you said,

when i change it to test ad units, it works on the real device

that means there is no issue here. The issue is with your ad units, either they are suspended because of invalid activity, or they are not yet live.

Please don't post this type of questions here on Github, if there is some bug you noticed or if something not working as expected (like even the test ad units are not working), then you can raise it on Github, else you have Stackoverflow.

adhikagunadarma commented 5 years ago

yeah i'm just asking since i got this issue recently this late days, i wonder if this is something from the flutter since 1.0 just release and there are some issues with firebase

Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("CF6A1CD9119107EB31C27339FF9E9651") to get test ads on this device.
dark-chocolate commented 5 years ago

Again, this is not the issue, this is something wrong form your end, so Flutter team can't help you because I am also using Admob ads and everything is working absolutely fine. So, you must be doing something wrong. And you also don't share any code, how can someone help you even he wants, additionally as I said, you always need to test the Test Ads, and this is why console gives you hint to use above string as test device, I am afraid you admob account can be suspended if you don't pay attention.

zoechi commented 5 years ago

@adhikagunadarma do you see this error only with hot-restart or also with hot-reload or full restart?

adhikagunadarma commented 5 years ago

@zoechi all of them, i had check up my project everyday and the ads still won't show. I guess it's really from the AdMob

kroikie commented 5 years ago


This issue has been moved to https://github.com/FirebaseExtended/flutterfire/issues/543. Any further collaboration will be done there.

kroikie commented 5 years ago

Since firebase_admob issues require work on the Flutter side as well as the plugin side these issues will remain open here as well until resolved.

iapicca commented 5 years ago

Hi @adhikagunadarma are you still experiencing this issue with the latest version of Flutter? If so can you please provide your flutter doctor -v? Also, to better address the issue, would be helpful if you could post a self contained app on github or the steps to reproduce it. Thank you

iapicca commented 4 years ago

Without additional information, we are unfortunately not sure how to resolve this issue. We are therefore reluctantly going to close this bug for now. Please don't hesitate to comment on the bug if you have any more information for us; we will reopen it right away!
Thanks for your contribution.

Could everyone who still has this problem please file a new issue with the exact descriptions what happens, logs and the output of ' flutter doctor -v' please. All system setups can be slightly different so its always better to open new issues and reference related issues.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. If you are still experiencing a similar issue, please open a new bug, including the output of flutter doctor -v and a minimal reproduction of the issue.