Open insinfo opened 3 years ago
I'm currently doing this, see the code below, but the ideal is to have a way to do this in main.dart, because I want to run a certain background task if the program is already running.
Hi @insinfo Can you please explain this proposal with some use cases? What is the current limitation? Define "multiple instances" with example or screenshot? Thank you
I'm developing an application for windows that backsup servers via SCP/SFTP, this application will run on a server with windows server or windows 10 , it's vital that multiple instances are not run on the same server to avoid data race, attempts to back up the same directory at the same time. There are many cases where you do not want to have multiple instances of an application running, such as: antivirus applications, video and image (Photoshop and Premiere for example doesn't run multiple instances) editing applications that open multiple files or projects in different tabs, text editing applications that open multiple files in tabs rather than multiple instances, to a range of application types that for a variety of reasons it is often desirable to limit the number of running instances of a program to exactly one on a given computer. Mainly for applications dealing with the file system like antivirus applications and backup systems.
This article below is very enlightening on this subject:
Other references:
In my specific use case, I need to prevent the execution of multiple instances of my backup app, my app will be called several times by the windows task scheduler, because in my app I will have the option to schedule the execution of a certain backup. At the moment I'm doing the following, when I run the app, in the main method I check if there is already the "fsbackup.exe" process running, if it's already running it notifies the running instance through a named pipe so that it runs backups scheduled for that moment and closes, if not running normally runs the app and starts the named pipe server. The problem with this approach is that since the application window is not created on the dart side, but rather on the c++ side, every time I open the app for the second time it opens and closes the window, this visually is very desegable.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart';
import 'package:fsbackup/app_injector.dart';
import 'package:fsbackup/constants.dart';
import 'package:fsbackup/screens/main/main_screen.dart';
import 'package:fsbackup/shared/utils/process_helper.dart';
// ignore: import_of_legacy_library_into_null_safe
import 'package:google_fonts/google_fonts.dart';
import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
import 'package:os/file_system.dart';
var pipe = NamedPipeWindows('fsbackup2');
void main() {
var countRunning = ProcessHelper.countProcessInstance('fsbackup.exe');
if (countRunning > 1) {
//notify instance running
void notifyOpenInstance() {
var w = pipe.openWrite();
w.addString('run backups');
void startPipeServer() {}
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
// This widget is the root of your application.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
localizationsDelegates: [
AppLocalizations.delegate, // Add this line
supportedLocales: [
const Locale('en', ''), // English, no country code
const Locale('es', ''), // Spanish, no country code
const Locale('pt', ''),
// ... other locales the app supports
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
title: 'FSBackup',
theme: ThemeData.dark().copyWith(
scaffoldBackgroundColor: bgColor,
textTheme: GoogleFonts.poppinsTextTheme(Theme.of(context).textTheme).apply(bodyColor: Colors.white),
canvasColor: secondaryColor,
home: FutureBuilder(
//inicializa o injetor de dependencias
future: appInjector(),
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return MainScreen();
return Scaffold(backgroundColor: bgColor, body: Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()));
Hi @insinfo Thanks for the details, I also found this. Your proposal to have this support in the dart code and make it easier to enable this
Redirecting this to team-tool. @insinfo Maybe you can check this community package to see if it helps serve your use case and proposal
Is there any update on this? I'm facing a similar issue. I found this package which does stop a second instance of my windows app from opening but I would like to be able to interact with the running instance of the app, ideally from within main.dart as @insinfo suggested
On Linux this is normally done by owning a D-Bus name on the session bus - if the name can't be claimed then that application is already running. The Linux application contains the following in
MyApplication* my_application_new() {
return MY_APPLICATION(g_object_new(my_application_get_type(),
"application-id", APPLICATION_ID,
flag is removed then the app will have the desired behaviour. Should there be a Flutter engine flag or a suitable channel then this could be determined in Dart code.
Is there any solution for this? I am trying to run a single instance of my Flutter Windows desktop app. It runs successfully with the flutter_single_instance package (version 0.0.1), but the issue arises when I hide the window. When the user clicks on the app icon, the hidden instance does not open. Currently, I am using the tray_manager package (version 0.2.3). When the user clicks on the tray icon, the app opens, but it does not open from the app icon. Is there any way to fix this?
Is there any solution for this? I am trying to run a single instance of my Flutter Windows desktop app. It runs successfully with the flutter_single_instance package (version 0.0.1), but the issue arises when I hide the window. When the user clicks on the app icon, the hidden instance does not open. Currently, I am using the tray_manager package (version 0.2.3). When the user clicks on the tray icon, the app opens, but it does not open from the app icon. Is there any way to fix this?
@robert-ancell @cbracken @Hixie @loic-sharma @gspencergoog guys if you know anything about that please help
is there any update on this. Or do i have to use single_instance package only?
There is no standard Flutter API for doing this, so using the single_instance
package or modifying the runner source (as shown above) are the two available methods.
Ideally, there should be a way to prevent multiple instances of an application from running, perhaps an API that abstracts Mutex from the underlying operating system.
I'm developing a desktop app that depends on this feature.