flutter / gallery

Flutter Gallery was a resource to help developers evaluate and use Flutter
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Demo swipe gesture for cards in gallery #635

Open sethladd opened 8 years ago

sethladd commented 8 years ago

From https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/cards.html#cards-behavior

"The swipe gesture may be used on a per-card basis. Limit swipe gestures within a view so that they don’t overlap with one another. For example, a swipeable card should not contain a swipeable image carousel, so that only a single action occurs when the card is swiped."

sethladd commented 8 years ago

Presumably, our material widgets and framework already do this, so this can be something we show in gallery. However, if we need extra bits wired in for material, we should add that label.

abarth commented 8 years ago

Swipe should be handled by http://docs.flutter.io/flutter/widgets/Dismissable-class.html. We should show it in the gallery though.

TahaTesser commented 4 years ago

Gesture from https://material.io/components/cards#behavior

This doesn't exist in https://gallery.flutter.dev/#/demo/card It can can added to the list after selectable card example

Abhishek01039 commented 3 years ago

Should we transfer this issue to here https://github.com/flutter/gallery/issues ?