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Wish for date_planner, when ready, to be included in our canonical Samples gallery page/site #2408

Open sethladd opened 2 weeks ago

sethladd commented 2 weeks ago

Use case

Teams, businesses, and developers will want to see that Cupertino-flavored apps are on-par with Material-flavored apps, and will want to see Cupertino-flavored apps as the context for other types of interesting functionality.


Over in https://flutter.github.io/samples/#, which you can get to from our marketing pages such as https://flutter.dev/multi-platform/mobile and https://docs.flutter.dev/, should feature Cupertino-flavored apps more prominently. For example, for the Form App, it would be good to see a Cupertino-based form app as well.

Update as of Sept 4 2024:

We don't have a ready-to-go sample that highlights an iOS-first design. There are a few in the queue, though. Discussion below mentions that a date_planner app is in the queue and might be a good fit for the canonical samples gallery site/page. I've updated the title to reflect this. If another iOS-first sample comes online ahead of date_planner and we like it for inclusion in samples we can use that instead.

sethladd commented 2 weeks ago

cc @Piinks

sethladd commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not exactly sure where this issue should go and who is in charge of what shows up on https://flutter.github.io/samples/#

cc @RedBrogdon might know?

darshankawar commented 2 weeks ago

I think this will need to be reported in https://github.com/flutter/samples/issues. Transferring accordingly. Please write in comments if this isn't correct move.

ericwindmill commented 2 weeks ago

The samples repo is my responsibility @sethladd. I'll look into this

sethladd commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks Eric!

(and thanks @darshankawar for moving this issue over, appreciate the help!)

sethladd commented 1 week ago

To make sure the next step for this is clear, I think the next question is "Is there today a sample that shows off our Cupertino library and thus looks iOS-y?"

If so, this issue becomes "update https://flutter.github.io/samples with a call out to that sample".

If we don't have said sample, this issue becomes "create a sample of an iOS-y app and then add it to the samples listing on flutter.github.io/samples"


ericwindmill commented 1 week ago

I think the recently added Date Planner app is intended to be an iOS-first sample, and we can add that to the Samples gallery.

My two questions:

Separately, FWIW, I thought we were shutting down the github.io/samples website. Either way, I plan to replace the website with something that doesn't require maintenance in the next quarter or two when I holistically audit our samples.

mit-mit commented 1 week ago

I don't think it's quite ready yet; there are a bunch of known issues. The team is pushing hard on iOS fidelity, so hopefully soon.

But I'll let @sethladd make the call here.

Piinks commented 1 week ago

The date planner is not ready yet, which is why we put it in experimental/ for now. :)

sethladd commented 1 week ago

Thanks all! I'm hearing this conclusion: "when date_planner is ready and graduates from experimental, then include it in the gallery of samples, which at the time of writing is flutter.github.io/samples"

@Piinks Is there an Umbrella issue for date_planner? if so, I will be happy to create a child issue that encapsulates the above conclusion, and then I can close this one out.

(@ericwindmill when a new sample gallery site/page/thing launches, we can then change that child issue)

Piinks commented 1 week ago

@Piinks Is there an Umbrella issue for date_planner? if so, I will be happy to create a child issue that encapsulates the above conclusion, and then I can close this one out.

No, AFAIK we're not actively working on the date_planner app right now. Rolodex is queued as the next app to work on. I don't think we are able to work on multiple apps at the same time currently.

Umbrella issues are not ideal. We've been filing individual issues for things we have identified to work on, and are tracking them in the Cupertino refresh project. That is the source of truth, where we have been able to organize issues by the various areas of the library.

sethladd commented 1 week ago

ack on sequencing here, and ack on umbrella issues.

I will then rename this issue to be specific about the date_planner, just to have a more clear title.

Thank you!