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Add Platform Channel sample app #448

Open AyushBherwani1998 opened 4 years ago

AyushBherwani1998 commented 4 years ago


The proposal is focusing on adding a sample app demonstrating how to use MethodChannel, EventChannel, BasicMessageChannel and different MessageCodec. Apart from a sample app which will live in the main directory, it also focuses on creating a federated plugin example targeting Mobile, Web and Desktop platforms which will reside under the experimental directory.

The proposal is part of GSoC 2020 project.

Phase 1

Phase 1 focuses on building a sample app which demonstrates the use of MethodChannel, EventChannel, BasicMessageChannel and MessageCodec.

Phase 2

Phase 2 focuses on demonstrating how to build a federated plugin which targets Android, Web, Windows and possibly Linux too. Initially, we were planning to have a battery plugin which supports Android, Web, Windows, and Linux. But, according to this Navigator.getBattery is not supported in Safari and Mozilla Firefox. The issue will be updated over the period once we are sure which native functionality will plugin provide.


cc: @RedBrogdon @domesticmouse

mohak852 commented 4 years ago

Can I work on this app.

AyushBherwani1998 commented 4 years ago

Hey @mohak852 👋 Happy to know you are willing to contribute to the repo, but unfortunately since this project is the part of GSoC 2020, you won't be able to contribute to this project during the GSoC period. Said that we may open up the project for iOS contributors during the GSoC, which is yet not decided.

Till then, I would suggest looking around more open issues in the repo and send a PR. We are happy to help you, if you want to brainstorm how to fix the other open issues.

RedBrogdon commented 4 years ago

@mohak852, as @AyushBherwani1998 mentioned, this work has already been scoped and assigned as a Summer of Code project. If you're interested in contributing to Flutter, there are many ways to do it.

Both Awesome DartPad and Awesome Flutter are great places to join projects and contribute to the community, for instance.

josephjw commented 4 years ago

i d like to work on this app