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Study Update: API Usage Walkthrough Study - Pilot Sessions #40

Closed jackkim9 closed 3 years ago

jackkim9 commented 3 years ago

Updates for Navigator API Walkthrough Study (Part of #7)

jackkim9 commented 3 years ago

Navigator API Walkthrough Study - Pilot Sessions

Hi everyone,

We recently ran pilot sessions as part of the Navigator API Walkthrough Study and I wanted to give you a brief update. The goal of the pilot is to make sure the study design is optimized to answer our research questions, such as:

RQ# Question Theme
1 How well the participants can construct an accurate mental model of the API (i.e. how things are related and work together) just by “walking through” some code samples implementing common navigation scenarios? Accuracy of Mental Model
2 How well classes make sense to participants? Classes and formatting
3 How well the names of the functions, classes, methods and/or properties give participants a clear understanding of the API? Naming
4 How well the participants can reason about the app’s navigation behavior by reading its implementation? Easy of reasoning
5 How well the participants can read the code? Readability

We ran interviews remotely and each session lasted for 60 minutes. We recruited 3 users who found deep linking important for their apps (Sign up for future studies!). They self-reported themselves as novice, intermediate, and advanced users of Flutter, respectively.

We used VRouter code snippets for the pilot. The package author had already submitted some snippets around our key scenarios and they were code reviewed by our team members. Among the snippets that are merged in our repo, we focused on Deep Linking with Path Parameters and Dynamic Linking, or the ability to create deep links on demand. (We are currently planning to include Deep Linking, Nested Routes and Sign-in Routing in the final study as they are most sought after navigation scenarios.)

The following is the main findings from the sessions and these might give you some ideas around what to expect from the final study outcome:

In the 60-minute interview, we spent 5 minutes learning about the participant and their current navigation needs, 40 minutes asking them to read out loud the two code snippets (‘Deep Linking with Path Parameters’ and ‘Dynamic Linking’) and 15 minutes to fill out an exit survey.

Overall assessment of VRouter Snippet #1 (Deep Linking with Path Parameters) and #2 (Dynamic Linking):

Overall, participants were able to construct correct mental models for the snippets for Deep Linking and Dynamic Linking. They found Deep Linking code very easy to understand and Dynamic Linking somewhat difficult to understand.

Participant quotes: “Amount of code here is much less than what we have for routing” “Snippet 1 definitely surprised me when I first saw it, since it was too little [code] to have a fully functioning router going. The second one is just a bit harder, but again, a different use case which I think works fine.”

Detailed findings (Note: Emoji ratings are not in the order of participants and sorted for readability)

✅ = The participant had no difficulty with the theme. 🟡 = The participant had some difficulty and needed some hints and guidances. 🛑 = The participant had difficulty and was confused with the core concept.

      Snippet #1: VRouter – Deep Linking with Path Parameters
Q1 Accuracy of Mental Model ✅✅✅ Overall, participants were able to construct the correct mental models for Deep Linking.
Q2 Classes and formatting ✅🟡🟡 Overall classes made sense to the participant.

2 out of 3 participants reported confusion around VRouteRedirector as they were unfamiliar with regular expressions (RegExp)(e.g. ‘:_(.+)’).
Q3 Naming ✅🟡🟡 Some participants reported confusion around StackedRoutes, although the naming made sense to them after hearing additional explanation. “I would have to look at the documentation”

One participant reported potential confusion around “V” as it can be interpreted as vertical.
Q4 Ease of reasoning ✅✅✅ Participants were able to reason about the code’s navigation behaviors well by reading its implementation.
Q5 Readability ✅✅✅ Participants found the Deep Linking with Path Parameters code very easy to read. Participants didn’t have to scroll up and down the code to understand them.
      Snippet #2: VRouter – Dynamic Linking
Q1 Accuracy of Mental Model ✅✅🛑 Overall, participants were able to construct the correct mental models for Dynamic Linking. One participant thought the snippet for Dynamic Linking was an alternative version of the Deep Linking (path parameter) snippet.
Q2 Classes and formatting 🟡🟡🛑 Participants found VRouterKey confusing as they found the syntax unfamiliar.

Participants found OnCreate confusing, and needed additional context to understand what it was.

“I have some ideas about what’s happening on onCreate but i’m not sure”

(One participant scrolled down to understand it better, then again confused by it in VWidgets “Where is onCreate class? Where is it?”)
Q3 Naming 🟡🟡🛑 Some naming conventions also caused confusion: ‘beforeEnter’ and ‘beforeUpdate’.

_“When using the VGuard, both beforeEnter and beforeUpdate call the same exact method, but it's not clear what are the differences between them.”_
Q4 Ease of reasoning ✅✅✅ Participants were able to reason about the code’s navigation behaviors well by reading its implementation. One participant on VGuard: “I get this. We need this (in our project)!”
Q5 Readability ✅🟡🟡 Participants found the Deep Linking with Path Parameters code somewhat difficult to read. Participants had to scroll up and down the code 4-5 times to understand them.

Changes we are making to the study design:

We decided to make the following adjustments to the study following the pilot interviews:

Next Steps:

Our next steps are to finalize packages to be included in the actual study, conduct code reviews and merge code snippets submitted by the authors, and finally run the study and share outcomes. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments and stay tuned for more updates.

Thanks, Jack

InMatrix commented 3 years ago

@lulupointu You might be interested in the pilot results, though I'd recommend you wait on any changes to vrouter until we have the full results. Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.

xuanswe commented 3 years ago

Nice progress!

I tried vrouter last month because documentation explains about most features I need. The simple example is quite easy to understand. But after trying a complex scenario, I have problem to understand the API "in details". It seems that participants have the same issue as I have (Q2, Q3).

lulupointu commented 3 years ago

I will write a longer answer with questions latter but I first wanting to say thanks to the team conducting this experiment! This will definitely help to have such in depth feedback.

I see that Q2, Q3 are an issue and would love to know how to improve on that. After spending so much rime working will VRouter everything looks easy to me, I's great to see the issues and I would love to have maybe suggestions on how to improve on that.

That being said, thanks again! 🚀

lulupointu commented 3 years ago

Hi, here are comments/questions regarding the results above.

Concerning the study:

  1. Could the participant execute the code? If not I think this could be great to be added. It's much easier to understand once you ran it once.
  2. Could the participant interact with the code. Notably hover over a class to have a description. I think the good documentation of Flutter inside the code base is one of its strong point and devs expect this even when using a package.
  3. Did the participant have access to any documentation resource online? If not once again I think it might be a good idea to give them 5 minutes to discover the package. For example giving them the pub.dev documentation page. Every dev using a new packages takes some time to read the documentation here so not only would that help the participants but it will also give us feedback on how well written the doc is.
  4. You reported that 3 categories were interrogated: novice, intermediate, and advanced. I don't know how many people will join the study but I could be great if at least the emojis could be associated with the level of the devs."The participant had difficulty and was confused with the core concept." definitely does not mean the same for a novice than an advance flutter dev.
  5. I think the choice to focus Deep Linking, Nested Routes and Sign-in Routing in the final review is a very good one! Deep Linking with Path Parameters and Dynamic Linking for example were very similar and I think this could confuse the participant (as it did here it seems)

Concerning VRouter w.r.t the results:

  1. Regexp are a tough choice. I think they do bring a lot but I know some people are not familiar with them. I think the regexp .+ used with the syntax :_(.+) is used everywhere in the examples/docs and will be enough for 95% of dev so I don't think it's a big deal but I would love to hear what you think.
  2. stackedRoutes is another hard one. I used to name it subRoutes but the issue is that people where sometimes confused about the difference between vanilla navigator 2.0 and VRouter. Indeed in VRouter you would use stackedRoutes when you would just use a list in Navigator 2.0. Again running a simple example I think people would understand.
  3. vRouterKey might be confusing for new devs but it's used even in Navigator 2.0. Though I think this was not useful here and it it not useful in 90% of cases.
  4. onCreate was my fault. It is a bad code design that I wrote because I was influenced by the code of Navigator 2.0. I will send a PR to remove onCreate and therefore remove vRouterKey, I think this will kill two birds with one stone.
  5. beforeEnter and beforeUpdate are a bit like initState vs didChangeDependencies. I would love to hear what you think about this because I don't really know how to make people understand the difference and I do think having both is useful. I could change beforeUpdate to beforeChange but I'm not convinced that this would solve the issue.

I think that's all! Thanks again for choosing VRouter and I hope to be able to address the issues you uncovered!

InMatrix commented 3 years ago

@lulupointu Thank you for your suggestions about the study design. We'll need to think about it. The current procedure doesn't give the participant an opportunity to run the code nor check documentation on their own. However, the moderator gives concise explanation of specific APIs when the participant appears to be confused.

There are a few reasons for the current setup:

For the vrouter specific results, if you have design options, we could include them in the study as follow-up questions. For example, we could ask the participant, "would calling this API this other name made more sense to you?"

lulupointu commented 3 years ago

@InMatrix concerning the study, I understand that's not how you did things and why but I still think that what I proposed is a better alternative. When searching for a package I think people will:

  1. Run the example
  2. Read the example code
  3. Read at least the start of the documentation (enough to be get starting)

Allowing the participant to have 5 minutes to read the doc + the chance to execute the scenario would reproduce that, therefore emulating best someone coming looking for a package.

To answer you points more specifically: > It doesn't require the participant to prepare anything for the study. The repo is now executable so I think they wouldn't need any preparation. The documentation would be read when starting the evaluation (only once 5 minutes for example) > It allows the moderator to distinguish the parts of a snippet participants can understand without documentation and the parts they do need help with, since help was not provided until it's really needed. I understand that but for the very basics of a package this is not realistic. No user would ever download a package without reading something about it or running its example. > It allows us to simulate the experience of finding a snippet on StackOverflow and understanding what it might do before running it locally, which is extra burden. Looking for a routing solution will not come down to a SO answer I think. Doing something specific with the given package would however. This is actually emulated when the user discover a new scenario: they know a bit about the package but not this specific usage, and we try to see if they understand easily given their basic knowledge > It helps assessing the first impression of a package. If the example code makes sense easily, the user is more likely to give it a try. Again, this first impression happen either through pub.dev documentation of pub.dev example. I did not write these snippet with a first-impression intent. Otherwise I would have commented a lot more for example.

I might be wrong with how user approach the search and first encounter with a package for a specific task. Maybe you have access to more data than me on the subject which contradict what I am saying, in which case please do!

Concerning the questions vrouter specific, thanks for this opportunity, I will write some down when I have more time!

xuanswe commented 3 years ago

For me,

  1. I usually need to read a quick example provided by the package when I use the package the first time. The quick example usually removes all redundant code and explain very shortly important code lines.
  2. Next, I will try to use the package in a simplest working app and make it works. In this case, I think we already have deeplink parameters scenario ready, which makes this step even easier.
  3. After steps above, I will start to read more the documentation to find the section I need, which depends on which feature I want to use next with the package.
InMatrix commented 3 years ago

I discussed the study design with @jackkim9 today, and here is what we plan to do based on @lulupointu's suggestion:

  1. Participant will take a quick look at the package's documentation for 5 minutes.
  2. Participant will give a walkthrough of a snippet and answer a few follow-up questions.
  3. Participant will have an opportunity to watch a video recording of running the snippet and explain how seeing it in action helps address any questions they might have with the API.
  4. Participant will repeat #2 and #3 for another snippet.

This is largely trying to simulate the process of finding a package, trying to learn about a few use cases, and verifying it actually works. #3 was a compromise in order to save time and avoid uncertainty in the participant's local development environment. We are planning a 90-minute session during which the participant will examine 3 snippets. It's quite tight. Please let us know what you think.

lulupointu commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I think this is pretty much perfect considering all the constraints. Thanks for listening to the feedback and reviewing a process that you already worked on.

Could we have a breakdown of the 90 in detail? As you did in https://github.com/flutter/uxr/issues/40#issuecomment-821306338? Not necessarily now but when you are decided 😊

InMatrix commented 3 years ago

Sure, here is a breakdown of the 90 minutes:

After the participant walks through each code sample, they'll answer a few "quiz" questions, such as:

Some of those questions are standard, such as the first one. Others came from our heuristic evaluation of the package, where we generate hypothesized issues users might trip over.

After the quiz, the participant will be given an opportunity to watch the recording of the app in action, and explain whether seeing it helps them better understand the API.