fluttercandies / extended_nested_scroll_view

extended nested scroll view to fix following issues. 1.pinned sliver header issue 2.inner scrollables in tabview sync issue 3.pull to refresh is not work. 4.do without ScrollController in NestedScrollView's body
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[Bug report] - _outerController is null. #151

Open aggeloskoutanis opened 4 months ago

aggeloskoutanis commented 4 months ago





Device Model

iPhone 13

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How to reproduce?

I dont know how to reproduce this one. I have a setState that is called inside a scroll listener.


Crashed in non-app: framework.dart in State.setState within flutter
extended_paginated_listings.dart in _ExtendedPaginatedListingsState.initState.<fn> at line 39 within vendora_app
In App
Called from: change_notifier.dart in ChangeNotifier.notifyListeners within flutter

Show 3 more frames
extended_nested_scroll_view.dart in _NestedScrollCoordinator.applyUserOffset at line 1304 within extended_nested_scroll_view
In App
Called from: scroll_activity.dart in ScrollDragController.update within flutter

Example code (optional)

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zmtzawqlp commented 4 months ago
