fluttercandies / extended_text_field

extended official text field to quickly build special text like inline image, @somebody, custom background etc.
MIT License
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[ios] 有@字段时,继续输入,正在输入中时光标不在末尾,在倒数第一个字前面,输入完成后会偏移到末尾 #205

Closed zhanglijie5997 closed 1 year ago

zhanglijie5997 commented 1 year ago





Device Model

iPhone 13

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How to reproduce?



Example code (optional)

import 'package:extended_text_field/extended_text_field.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:jdn/utils/utils.dart';

typedef AtTextCallback = Function(String showText, String actualText);

class AtSpecialTextSpanBuilder extends SpecialTextSpanBuilder {
  final AtTextCallback? atCallback;

  /// key:userid
  /// value:username
  final Map<String, String> allAtMap;
  final TextStyle? atStyle;

    this.allAtMap = const <String, String>{},
  final emojiFaces = <String, String>{
    '[亲亲]': 'ic_face_01',
    '[看穿]': 'ic_face_02',
    '[色]': 'ic_face_03',
    '[吓哭]': 'ic_face_04',
    '[笑脸]': 'ic_face_05',
    '[眨眼]': 'ic_face_06',
    '[搞怪]': 'ic_face_07',
    '[龇牙]': 'ic_face_08',
    '[无语]': 'ic_face_09',
    '[可怜]': 'ic_face_10',
    '[咒骂]': 'ic_face_11',
    '[晕]': 'ic_face_12',
    '[尴尬]': 'ic_face_13',
    '[暴怒]': 'ic_face_14',
    '[可爱]': 'ic_face_15',
    '[哭泣]': 'ic_face_16',
  final regexAt = r"(@\S+\s)";

  TextSpan build(
    String data, {
    TextStyle? textStyle,
    SpecialTextGestureTapCallback? onTap,
  }) {
    StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer();
    if (kIsWeb) {
      return TextSpan(text: data, style: textStyle);
    // if (allAtMap.isEmpty) {
    //   return TextSpan(text: data, style: textStyle);
    // }
    final List<InlineSpan> children = <InlineSpan>[];

    var regexEmoji = emojiFaces.keys
        .replaceAll('[', '\\[')
        .replaceAll(']', '\\]');

    final list = [regexAt, regexEmoji];
    final pattern = '(${list.toList().join('|')})';
    final atReg = RegExp(regexAt);
    final emojiReg = RegExp(regexEmoji);

      // RegExp(r"(@\S+\s)"),
      onMatch: (Match m) {
        late InlineSpan inlineSpan;
        String value = m.group(0)!;
        try {
          if (atReg.hasMatch(value)) {
            String id = value.replaceFirst("@", "").trim();
            LogUtil.e('id________:$id $allAtMap');

            if (allAtMap.containsKey(id)) {
              var name = allAtMap[id]!;
              // inlineSpan = ExtendedWidgetSpan(
              //   child: Text('@$name ', style: atStyle),
              //   style: atStyle,
              //   actualText: '$value',
              //   start: m.start,
              // );

              inlineSpan = SpecialTextSpan(
                text: '$value ',
                actualText: '$name',
                start: m.start,
                style: atStyle,
            } else {
              inlineSpan = TextSpan(text: '$value', style: textStyle);
          } else if (emojiReg.hasMatch(value)) {
            // inlineSpan = ImageSpan(
            //   ImageUtil.emojiImage(value),
            //   imageWidth: atStyle!.fontSize!,
            //   imageHeight: atStyle!.fontSize!,
            //   start: m.start,
            //   actualText: '$value',
            // );
          /*String id = value.replaceAll("@", "").trim();
        if (allAtMap.containsKey(id)) {
          var name = allAtMap[id]!;
          inlineSpan = ExtendedWidgetSpan(
            child: Text('@$name ', style: atStyle),
            style: atStyle,
            actualText: '$value',
            start: m.start,
          buffer.write('@$name ');
          else {
            /* inlineSpan = SpecialTextSpan(
            text: '${m.group(0)}',
            style: TextStyle(color: Colors.blue),
            start: m.start,
            inlineSpan = TextSpan(text: '$value', style: textStyle);
        } catch (e) {
          print('error: $e');
        return "";
      onNonMatch: (text) {
        children.add(TextSpan(text: text, style: textStyle));
        return '';
    if (null != atCallback) atCallback!(buffer.toString(), data);
    return TextSpan(children: children, style: textStyle);

  SpecialText? createSpecialText(
    String flag, {
    TextStyle? textStyle,
    SpecialTextGestureTapCallback? onTap,
    required int index,
  }) {
    return null;

  specialTextSpanBuilder: AtSpecialTextSpanBuilder(
    atCallback: (v1, v2) {},
    allAtMap: {'123': '123'},



zmtzawqlp commented 1 year ago


zhanglijie5997 commented 1 year ago

