fluttercandies / extended_text_field

extended official text field to quickly build special text like inline image, @somebody, custom background etc.
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[Bug report] extende_text_field图文混合输入中,当输入框中只有图片时,添加换行符“\n”后,下一行行高会是“图片元素”的高度,输入一个字后,行高会缩小为“文字字号”高度,用户看到会行高闪烁问题 #240

Open ChanKen opened 2 months ago

ChanKen commented 2 months ago





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How to reproduce?

遇到一个extended-text-field 图文混排的行高问题,demo也有这情况。场景是:输入框中只有“图片元素”时,添加换行符“\n”后,下一行行高会是“图片元素”的高度,输入一个字后,行高会缩小为“文字字号”高度,用户看到会行高闪烁问题。


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Example code (optional)

              height: 200,
              child: ExtendedTextField(
                key: _key,
                // minLines: 1,
                maxLines: null,
                // expands: true,
                // maxLines: 2,
                // StrutStyle get strutStyle {
                //   if (_strutStyle == null) {
                //     return StrutStyle.fromTextStyle(style, forceStrutHeight: true);
                //   }
                //   return _strutStyle!.inheritFromTextStyle(style);
                // }
                textInputAction: TextInputAction.newline,
                strutStyle: const StrutStyle(),
                specialTextSpanBuilder: MySpecialTextSpanBuilder(
                  showAtBackground: true,
                controller: _textEditingController,
                selectionControls: _myExtendedMaterialTextSelectionControls,
                extendedContextMenuBuilder: MyTextSelectionControls.defaultContextMenuBuilder,
                focusNode: _focusNode,
                decoration: InputDecoration(
                    suffixIcon: GestureDetector(
                      onTap: () {
                        setState(() {
                          sessions.insert(0, _textEditingController.text);
                          _textEditingController.value = _textEditingController.value.copyWith(text: '', selection: const TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 0), composing: TextRange.empty);
                      child: const Icon(Icons.send),
                    contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.all(12.0)),
                //textDirection: TextDirection.rtl,



ChanKen commented 2 months ago
