fluttercandies / flutter_image_compress

flutter image compress
MIT License
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compressWithList always compress at min quality in Android when format is heic #260

Open siddharthadevops opened 1 year ago

siddharthadevops commented 1 year ago





Device Model

Pixel 6a (Android 13)

flutter info

[!] Flutter (Channel stable, 3.13.3, on macOS 13.5.2 22G91 darwin-arm64, locale en-ES)
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    ! Error: (null) needs to connect to determine its availability. Check the connection between the device and its companion iPhone, and the connection between the iPhone and Xcode. Both devices may also need to be restarted and unlocked.
      (code 1)

[✓] Network resources
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How to reproduce?

await FlutterImageCompress.compressWithList(
      minWidth: minWidth.toInt(),
      minHeight: minHeight.toInt(),
      quality: 85,
      rotate: 0,
      format: CompressFormat.heic,

Always compresses with the same quality (seems to be the maximum possible compression) regardless of what is passed in the quality parameter


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