fluttercandies / flutter_photo_manager

A Flutter plugin that provides images, videos, and audio abstraction management APIs without interface integration, available on Android, iOS, macOS and OpenHarmony.
Apache License 2.0
647 stars 297 forks source link

Get AssetEntity by local paths #1087

Closed rbarzel closed 3 months ago

rbarzel commented 3 months ago


Android, iOS


I want a new method that will accept a file path for a local image and return the corresponding AssetEntity or AssetEntity.id.


I want to be able to support receive-sharing-intent, which sends the app local file paths (for images in my situation). My app uploads photos to cloud based albums, and I need AssetEntity.id to prevent duplicate uploads.

AlexV525 commented 3 months ago

Duplicate of https://github.com/fluttercandies/flutter_photo_manager/issues/795