fluttercandies / flutter_photo_manager

A Flutter plugin that provides images, videos, and audio abstraction management APIs without interface integration, available on Android, iOS, macOS and OpenHarmony.
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[Feature] Android getAllGalleryList return favorite album #733

Open hhgz9527 opened 2 years ago

hhgz9527 commented 2 years ago

I use flutter_wechat_assets_picker, but this lib show gallery list not include favorite album.

But iOS has been return favorite album(link), so can you add android version.


AlexV525 commented 2 years ago

Any document that indicates Android has favorite albums by the system?

hhgz9527 commented 2 years ago

Any document that indicates Android has favorite albums by the system?

Sorry, I don't know, I open this issue because check WeChat app also show favorite album when image picker

In HUAWEI device, Photos app have favorite image feature.

When user tap favorite button, will show favorite album.

AlexV525 commented 2 years ago

Please provide screenshots with this feature.

CaiJingLong commented 2 years ago

IOS has the concept of "smart album", which can automatically combine the "recently added" or "favorite photos" into one smart album. Android does not provide smart album, so we can only do it by code.

According to the official documents, a favorite column of MediaStore is provided in api30.

So, I think if we want to provide this favorite smart album, we need to use an option to let users decide whether to need it, because it will consume more performance. @AlexV525

AlexV525 commented 2 years ago

If we add the extra IS_FAVORITE request, then it'll make some extra duration costs. Does that sound reasonable to you? @hhgz9527

hhgz9527 commented 2 years ago

reasonable, because wechat app show favorite album were some delays