fluttercandies / flutter_record_mp3

flutter record mp3 using the native api
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Resume Pause only works once. #3

Closed rk21forever closed 3 years ago

rk21forever commented 4 years ago

After Pressing the pause button it pauses the recording but once resumed and again paused that doesn't work. Please check

shingohu commented 4 years ago

@rk21forever I tested the demo and couldn't reproduce the problem You tried running the demo?Or you can tell me about your test device info?

rk21forever commented 4 years ago

Yes I tried that too But It is still not working just that state of the button is changing but over all It is not pausing the stream when when the pause button shows it is paused it continues to record the voice recording. I am using it on a nexus device with flutter 1.12.13+hotfix.8

rk21forever commented 4 years ago

Launching lib\main.dart on Android SDK built for x86 in debug mode... √ Built build\app\outputs\apk\debug\app-debug.apk. D/FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate(12423): Setting up FlutterEngine. D/FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate(12423): No preferred FlutterEngine was provided. Creating a new FlutterEngine for this FlutterFragment. D/FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate(12423): Attaching FlutterEngine to the Activity that owns this Fragment. D/FlutterView(12423): Attaching to a FlutterEngine: io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine@a348762 D/FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate(12423): Executing Dart entrypoint: main, and sending initial route: / D/EGL_emulation(12423): eglMakeCurrent: 0xe248db60: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xe2524b80) I/Choreographer(12423): Skipped 313 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. W/ord_mp3_exampl(12423): JNI critical lock held for 18.898ms on Thread[14,tid=12442,Runnable,Thread*=0xda458c00,peer=0x12d403c0,"Binder:12423_4"] D/EGL_emulation(12423): eglMakeCurrent: 0xed77fbe0: ver 2 0 (tinfo 0xe2511cb0) D/RecordMp3Plugin(12423): record = /data/user/0/com.plugin.record_mp3_example/app_flutter/record/test_0.mp3 D/RecordMp3(12423): status = START D/RecordMp3(12423): status = PAUSE D/RecordMp3(12423): status = RESUME

No matter how many times we click on pause resume it keeps on resume state after this

shingohu commented 4 years ago

@rk21forever It looks like it's running on a simulator?Can you try it on a real device

rk21forever commented 4 years ago

I tried on a real device same problem

MlecznyU commented 4 years ago

Same problem for me. I/System.out( 4164): record complete D/RecordMp3Plugin( 4164): record = /data/user/0/com.applaca.dyktafon/app_flutter/record/Nagranie nr.1.mp3 D/RecordMp3( 4164): status = START D/RecordMp3( 4164): status = PAUSE D/RecordMp3( 4164): status = RESUME Then I try to pause or stop recording but it is not working. Checked on debugger and methods have been called but with no results. Tried on real device and emulator. After the recording resumes, the recording continues until I try to send the file to the server firebase.

BytesZero commented 4 years ago

@shingohu Android I have the same problem, 1、start=>pause =>resume=>pause =>resume=>pause =>resume=>stop 2、start error type = RECORD_HAS_USED After the last stop, the microphone has not been released and is still in use

BytesZero commented 4 years ago

@shingohu @rk21forever This problem has been found, I will mention a PR later image

BytesZero commented 4 years ago

@shingohu @rk21forever I have fixed this problem, please review it on this PR, feel free to contact me. https://github.com/shingohu/flutter_record_mp3/pull/5