Closed geghamh2 closed 7 months ago
Please refer to the last description of 3.1、Basic usage
Note: This feature relies on the latest message view before the message is inserted as a reference to calculate the offset, so if too many messages are inserted at once and the reference message view cannot be rendered, this feature will fail, and you need to try to avoid this problem by setting a reasonable value for
by yourself!The size calculation of cacheExtent can refer to the following formula:
cacheExtent = [maximum height of a message] * [number of messages inserted at one time] + 200
In your example in ChatPage, when we change _addMessage(RandomTool.genInt(min: 1, max: 3))=> _addMessage(RandomTool.genInt(min: 10, max: 15)); keep position is not working correctly;
My code
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