fluttercandies / saver_gallery

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[Bug report] #19

Open hugocornellier opened 4 days ago

hugocornellier commented 4 days ago




dart, Android

Device Model

Galaxy A11 (Android 12)

flutter info

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[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 35.0.0)
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• No issues found!

How to reproduce?

On Android 12, when you attempt to call saveFile without the androidRelativePath parameter, the entire app crashes without any error messages or logs. Once androidRelativePath is added, it seems to work fine. There should be an error thrown here to indicate to the user that androidRelativePath is required.


There are no logs or errors thrown. The app crashes without any logs.

Example code (optional)

On Android 12, this causes a crash and there is no indication of what the issue is. There should be at least an error thrown saying that it is crashing because Android Relative Path is empty.

This crashes:

final SaveResult result = await SaverGallery.saveFile(
     file: filePath,
     name: name,
     androidExistNotSave: false

This works:

final SaveResult result = await SaverGallery.saveFile(
     file: filePath,
     name: name,
     androidRelativePath: "Pictures/AppName/xx",
     androidExistNotSave: false



zhangruiyu commented 4 days ago

currently on Android, Android RelativePath is required, maybe it's not written that way, so I'm going to add a more explicit identifier androidRelativePath in the next version