fluttercommunity / app_review

App Review - Request and Write Reviews and Open Store Listing for Android and iOS in Flutter. Maintainer: @rodydavis
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Sumbit is not working on ios #11

Closed Madhav1022 closed 4 years ago

Madhav1022 commented 4 years ago

I have a button to Rate and after that submit to the AppStore. It works in android but doesn't work in iOS. How can I solve this issue ? Skype_Picture_2019_10_24T05_48_51_897Z

akalitenya commented 4 years ago

Maybe it will work after you publish app to App Store and download it. It looks similar to https://github.com/Skyost/rate_my_app/issues/1

rodydavis commented 4 years ago

Test with your app in production, not TestFlight. Otherwise apple doesn't let you submit, only test