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'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found #133

Open jaimin-webbrains opened 10 months ago

jaimin-webbrains commented 10 months ago

we are facing issue in xcode15 Can you please help ?

Lexical or Preprocessor Issue (Xcode): 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found .pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/image_picker_ios-0.8.8/ios/Classes/messages.g.m:7:8 Lexical or Preprocessor Issue (Xcode): 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found .pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/image_picker_ios-0.8.8/ios/Classes/FLTPHPickerSaveImageToPathOperation.m:4:8 Lexical or Preprocessor Issue (Xcode): 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found .pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/image_picker_ios-0.8.8/ios/Classes/FLTImagePickerPlugin.h:4:8 same type of error we are facing in url_launcher, sqflite, etc libraries. please fix asap. I tried all below link solution but none of working. https://www.chethanprabhakar.com/flutter-fixes/flutter-h-file-not-found