fluttercommunity / font_awesome_flutter

The Font Awesome Icon pack available as Flutter Icons
831 stars 233 forks source link

missing thin icon #240

Closed Junesui closed 1 year ago

Junesui commented 1 year ago

thanks for this package! ・windows environment

my step: 1>clone and run "flutter pub get" image image

2>add a dependency image

3>Move all .ttf files from the webfonts directory and icons.json from metadata to xxxx/font_awesome_flutter/lib/fonts. Replace existing files. image

4>run "configurator.bat" image

5> flutter clean image

6>run "flutter pub get" in my project image

7 i want use【 FontAwesomeIcons.thinHeart】

question: Only one icon of type thin


Junesui commented 1 year ago

・dart packages
