fluttercommunity / plus_plugins

Flutter Community Plus Plugins
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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[Question]: I/AlarmService( 3355): cancel: broadcast receiver not found #3026

Open waqadArshad opened 2 weeks ago

waqadArshad commented 2 weeks ago

What is your question?

I just added android_alarm_manager_plus and it keeps showing I/AlarmService( 3355): cancel: broadcast receiver not found and does not schedule the job as intended.

I have done the setup properly as explained in the documentation.

Checklist before submitting a question

vbuberen commented 2 weeks ago

I have done the setup properly as explained in the documentation.

Could you fill in a full normal report? We have no idea about your setup, Android version, plugin version, code sample of what you tried to use, etc. With such a vague information it is hard to understand what is going on and help you.

Can you reproduce the issue with the example app of the plugin? If not, it is highly likely due to not having a proper setup as required.

waqadArshad commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, I did see a very weird behaviour on the example app too. I'll add an example code hopefully by tomorrow. This I believe happened when I tried cancelling an Alarm before it was registered but I'm not sure.

There's another issue that I am having which is that the alarm does not go off most of the time unless I open the app at the time it is scheduled for. If you have any idea about that, do let me know. I'll be adding another issue for that but I would love to know if there's something you believe I might be missing.
