flux-framework / flux-core

core services for the Flux resource management framework
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testsuite: FAIL: t4000-issues-test-driver.t 1 - t4583-free-range-test #5809

Closed chu11 closed 8 months ago

chu11 commented 8 months ago

Getting this failure half regularly running make -j16 check on corona.

Debugging shows the flux shutdown in issues/t4583-free-range-test.sh is failing. Adding some debugging (the "flux shutdown exit" is my debug addition).

free-range-test: Call flux shutdown on ƒ4BCDmhq\n
broker.info[0]: cleanup.0: flux queue stop --quiet --all --nocheckpoint Exited (rc=0) 0.3s
broker.info[0]: cleanup.1: flux cancel --user=all --quiet --states RUN Exited (rc=0) 0.4s
broker.info[0]: cleanup.2: flux queue idle --quiet Exited (rc=0) 0.3s
broker.info[0]: cleanup-success: cleanup->shutdown 1.02948s
broker.info[0]: children-complete: shutdown->finalize 1.85812s
broker.info[0]: online: corona[212,212] (ranks 0-1)
flux-shutdown: File exists
free-range-test: flux shutdown exit 1

my theory is that in rc3 we have

if test $RANK -eq 0; then                                                                                                                   
    dumpfile=$(flux getattr content.dump 2>/dev/null)                                                                                       
    if test $exit_rc -eq 0 -a -n "${dumpfile}"; then                                                                                        
        if test "${dumpfile}" = "auto"; then                                                                                                
            statedir=$(flux getattr statedir 2>/dev/null)                                                                                   
            mkdir -p "${statedir:-.}/dump"                                                                                                  
            dumpfile="${statedir:-.}/dump/$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).tgz"                                                                       
        echo "dumping content to ${dumpfile}"                                                                                               
        if flux dump --quiet --checkpoint ${dumpfile}; then                                                                                 
            test -n "$dumplink" && ln -s $(basename ${dumpfile}) ${dumplink}                                                                
    if test "${backingmod}" != "none"; then                                                                                                 
        flux module remove ${backingmod} || exit_rc=1                                                                                       
modrm all content             

my guess is there is a conflict "File exists" on the RESTORE symlink now that we're running the t4000 regression tests in parallel.

wihobbs commented 8 months ago

We've been seeing this in CI too. I was working on debugging it yesterday but got stuck with not being able to reproduce. It's been happening on quartz.

grondo commented 8 months ago

The test doesn't issue flux shutdown --gc so how is the content.dump attr getting set here?

grondo commented 8 months ago

This did just happen twice in one CI run though...

chu11 commented 8 months ago

The test doesn't issue flux shutdown --gc so how is the content.dump attr getting set here?

Ahhhh ... b/c I read it wrong -n is for non-zero string length :-) so i went down the wrong path there.

chu11 commented 8 months ago

This did just happen twice in one CI run though...

Interesting. I can't reproduce w/o make -j16, so perhaps is not a parallelism issue like I thought.

grondo commented 8 months ago

Yeah, I can definitely reproduce this by running two of the tests in parallel.. Interesting that this only started happening recently.

grondo commented 8 months ago

Can you see if adding -o exit-timeout=none to the flux-alloc job in the test helps? Maybe shutdown is racing with the exit timeout.

diff --git a/t/issues/t4583-free-range-test.sh b/t/issues/t4583-free-range-test.sh
index de787989d..fbfa8e847 100755
--- a/t/issues/t4583-free-range-test.sh
+++ b/t/issues/t4583-free-range-test.sh
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ fi

 #  Start a job with tbon.topo=kary:0
 log "Starting a child instance with flat topology\n"
-jobid=$(flux alloc -N4 --bg --broker-opts=-Stbon.topo=kary:0)
+jobid=$(flux alloc -N4 -o exit-timeout=none --bg --broker-opts=-Stbon.topo=kary:0)

 log "Started job $jobid\n"
chu11 commented 8 months ago

Good guess. I think I was nearing that as I realized the error ultimately came from

        if (!future_is_ready (f)) {
            if (flux_reactor_run (f->now->r, 0) < 0) {
                if (errno == EEXIST)
                    fprintf(stderr, "eexist %s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
                return -1; // errno set by now_timer_cb or other watcher

in flux_future_wait_for(). EEXIST is a strange errno though ... points you in a completely different direction. Not sure if it's a "fallthrough" errno from something else within libev.

grondo commented 8 months ago

I'm not seeing anything that looks like eexist function:line in my output, are you?

Edit: Oh, now I'm assuming that was debugging added by you?

chu11 commented 8 months ago

Edit: Oh, now I'm assuming that was debugging added by you?

Yeah, that was my debugging.

grondo commented 8 months ago

Did you try setting errno = 0 before the call into flux_reactor_run()? My guess is that errno is just left over from a previous call.

My guess as to what is happening is that the broker to which flux shutdown is connected gets terminated during the shutdown, thus removing the connector socket and this isn't handled so gracefully, though I'm not sure what should be returned in this situation... Maybe a connection reset error?

I think this test started taking longer recently, which is why we're seeing the exit-timeout being reached, thus triggering the issue.

The test should indeed be fixed to remove the exit-timeout, meanwhile I'll look into why the test is taking so long.

The handling of the remote broker going away underneath a connected Flux handle should probably get its own issue. It should also be easy to create a simpler reproducer for it (if the assumption of root cause is correct)

chu11 commented 8 months ago

Did you try setting errno = 0 before the call into flux_reactor_run()? My guess is that errno is just left over from a previous call.

Gave that a shot and it didn't work :-(

ahhh i hadn't guessed the test was faster before. Which makes sense now given what I saw in output. Notice the wait event below is 24 seconds running only t4000 by hand and only this one issue. It sat on "waiting for resources" for quite a long time.

# ./t4000-issues-test-driver.t: flux session size will be 2
free-range-test: Re-launching test script under flux-start
free-range-test: Starting a child instance with flat topology
free-range-test: Started job ƒ2iQcqx3
free-range-test: Current overlay status of ƒ2iQcqx3:
0 corona212: full
├─ 1 corona212: full
├─ 2 corona212: full
└─ 3 corona212: full
free-range-test: Launch a sleep job within ƒ2iQcqx3:
           . achu      R      4      4   10.97s .
    ƒ2iQcqx3 achu      R      4      4   5.796s └── flux
    ƒ2fyn2BH achu      R      4      4   0.386s     └── sleep
free-range-test: Killing rank 3 (pid 3522537) and all children
free-range-test: Wait for exception event in ƒ2iQcqx3
flux-start: 3 (pid 3522537) Killed
Mar 21 00:13:03.939077 broker.err[0]: corona212 (rank 3) transitioning to LOST due to EHOSTUNREACH error on send
1710979983.939847 exception type="node-failure" severity=2 userid=8556 note="lost contact with job shell on corona212 (shell rank 3)"
free-range-test: But running a 3 node job in ƒ2iQcqx3 still works:
flux-job: ƒ49Kzg8f started                                             00:00:24
free-range-test: Overlay status of ƒ2iQcqx3 should show rank lost:
0 corona212: degraded
├─ 1 corona212: full
├─ 2 corona212: full
└─ 3 corona212: lost
free-range-test: Call flux shutdown on ƒ2iQcqx3
broker.info[0]: cleanup.0: flux queue stop --quiet --all --nocheckpoint Exited (rc=0) 0.3s
broker.info[0]: cleanup.1: flux cancel --user=all --quiet --states RUN Exited (rc=0) 0.3s
broker.info[0]: cleanup.2: flux queue idle --quiet Exited (rc=0) 0.3s
broker.info[0]: cleanup-success: cleanup->shutdown 0.856045s
broker.info[0]: children-complete: shutdown->finalize 1.33805s
broker.info[0]: online: corona[212,212] (ranks 0-1)
broker.info[0]: rc3.0: /g/g0/achu/chaos/git/flux-framework/flux-core/etc/rc3 Exited (rc=0) 1.2s
broker.info[0]: rc3-success: finalize->goodbye 1.22378s
free-range-test: job ƒ2iQcqx3 should exit cleanly (no hang) and a zero exit code:
1710980012.670174 finish status=0
grondo commented 8 months ago

Yes, I found the root cause of the slowness and will post a PR soon.