flux-framework / flux-sched

Fluxion Graph-based Scheduler
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
84 stars 39 forks source link

Move flux-sched go bindings out of tree #1138

Open vsoch opened 3 months ago

vsoch commented 3 months ago

As discussed in slack, we want to develop the fluxion Go bindings in a separate repository from fluxion. I'm opening an issue here for tracking and discussion outside of slack, where everything is eventually eaten by the slackbot monster. :japanese_ogre: The reasons are the following (summarized from slack):

This needs to happen sooner than later, before there are lots of new Go projects using the bindings. The changes are fairly simple - all we really need is to expose a shared library for fluxion that go can use, and then hugely simplify the entire current project. The testing will be much easier, as will developing. The steps we will pursue are described in the task list below (wanted to try this out)!

Aside from task 1. I'll handle 2-3. And for the repository - I'll want to have admin permission to write/manage flux-framework/fluxion-go if one of the fearless leaders of flux could make that for me (ping @grondo @garlick @trws)! No rush, because we likely will need a few days for bullet 1, and of course I can do a lot of development without the repository!

This should be useful and exciting work, and help us move forward with go projects that use fluxion more easily.

### Tasks
- [ ] finish review of https://github.com/flux-framework/flux-sched/pull/1120
- [ ] update projects that rely on flux-sched (fluence and flex-<x>)
- [ ] Remove the go bindings from here