flux-iac / tofu-controller

A GitOps OpenTofu and Terraform controller for Flux
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Tf-runner pod not created, kind Terraform stuck in "Reconciliation in progress" #1427

Open manicole opened 1 month ago

manicole commented 1 month ago

Hi all, I'm trying to deploy a kind Terraform via a kind Kustomization, but often no tf-runner is created and my Terraform stays stuck in "Reconciliation in progress" state.

I'm trying to deploy this Kustomization:

apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1
kind: Kustomization
  name: k3s
  namespace: k3s
  targetNamespace: k3s
  interval: 10m
  retryInterval: 1m
  timeout: 5m
    kind: GitRepository
    name: gitrepo
    namespace: flux-system
  path: /k3s/manifests
  prune: true
    provider: sops
      name: sops-age
      service: k3s
      previous: openstack
      target: k3s
      destroy: "false"

In gitrepo/k3s/manifests, there is only my kind Terraform:

apiVersion: infra.contrib.fluxcd.io/v1alpha2
kind: Terraform
  name: ${service}
  alwaysCleanupRunnerPod: false
  serviceAccountName: ${target}
  interval: 1m
  destroy: ${destroy}
  destroyResourcesOnDeletion: true
  approvePlan: auto
  path: "/k3s/terraform"
    kind: GitRepository
    name: gitrepo
    namespace: flux-system
   - name: ${previous}
  - name: service
    value: ${service}
  - name: previous
    value: ${previous}
  - name: target
    value: ${target}
  - kind: Secret
    name: ${previous}-output
    - instance_ip
    - instance_ssh_key
    name: ${service}-output
      - name: tmp
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: tmp
        mountPath: "/tmp"

What happens:

  1. I apply the Kustomization file
  2. Kustomization is deployed and ready
  3. Terraform is deployed, state "Unknown" and status "Reconciliation in progress"
  4. Nothing appears in Namespace k3s, although I would expect a k3s-tf-runner to be deployed...

Additionnal info:

$ helm ls -n flux-system NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION tf-controller flux-system 1 2024-06-19 13:13:30.0861225 +0000 UTC deployed tf-controller-0.16.0-alpha.3 v0.16.0-alpha.3

Thanks in advance for helping :)
manicole commented 1 month ago

I found a new element.

Commenting the runnerPodTemplate spec from my kind Terraform makes k3s-tf-runner appear (once FluxCD reconciles my Kustomization). Uncommenting it afterwards does not seem to be a problem, but who knows how long for.

manicole commented 3 weeks ago

Anyone ?

I still have the issue: I have to apply my kind Terraform without any runnerPodTemplateto launch the tf-runner Pod (otherwise, it never appears). Once launched, I can add a runnerPodTemplate to my my kind Terraform and reapply to update it.

akselleirv commented 3 weeks ago

Hello @manicole , Any specific reason you need to define the tmp volume in the runner pod template?

manicole commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @akselleirv, thanks for reacting.

Actually I am still trying to solve a problem, and thought it was the way. I install k3s with k3sup (i.e. using ssh) and ouput the kubeconfig from the Terraform plan:

# outputs.tf
data "local_file" "kubeconfig_file" {
  filename   = "${var.instance_kubeconfig_folder}/${var.instance_kubeconfig_file}"
  depends_on = [null_resource.k3s]

output "kubeconfig_file" {
  description = "kubeconfig to access k3s cluster"
  value       = nonsensitive(data.local_file.kubeconfig_file.content)

I get the following error, and thought mounting tmp would be enough but it is not:

Error: Read local file data source error

  with data.local_file.kubeconfig_file,
  on outputs.tf line 1, in data "local_file" "kubeconfig_file": 
   1: data "local_file" "kubeconfig_file" { 

The file at given path cannot be read.

  Original Error: open /tmp/.kube/config: no such file or directory

This might be another issue to solve for me, but I believe it has no consequences on the problem here. Thanks