fluxcd / flagger

Progressive delivery Kubernetes operator (Canary, A/B Testing and Blue/Green deployments)
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Error sending event to webhook Summary or Text is required for MSTeams #1140

Open ramakrishnateja opened 2 years ago

ramakrishnateja commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

Here is my canary definition

apiVersion: flagger.app/v1beta1 kind: Canary metadata: name: helloweather spec:

service mesh provider can be: kubernetes, istio, appmesh, nginx, gloo

provider: kubernetes

deployment reference

targetRef: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment name: helloweather-deployment

the maximum time in seconds for the canary deployment

to make progress before rollback (default 600s)

progressDeadlineSeconds: 60

HPA reference (optional)

autoscalerRef: apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1 kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler name: helloweather-hpa service: name: helloweather port: 80 portDiscovery: true analysis:

schedule interval (default 60s)

interval: 30s
# max number of failed checks before rollback
threshold: 2
# number of checks to run before rollback
iterations: 10
# Prometheus checks based on 
# http_request_duration_seconds histogram
  - name: request-success-rate
    # minimum req success rate (non 5xx responses)
    # percentage (0-100)
      min: 99
    interval: 1m
  - name: request-duration
    # maximum req duration P99
    # milliseconds
      max: 500
    interval: 30s
# acceptance/load testing hooks
  - name: "send to Teams"
    type: event
    url: "https://teamswebhook"
  - name: smoke-test
    type: pre-rollout
    url: http://flagger-loadtester.linkerd/
    timeout: 15s
      type: bash
      cmd: "curl http://helloweather.manualbluegreen:80/WeatherForecast"
  - name: gate
    type: confirm-rollout
    url: http://flagger-loadtester.linkerd/gate/check
  - name: load-test
    url: http://flagger-loadtester.linkerd/
    timeout: 5s
      type: cmd
      cmd: "hey -z 1m -q 10 -c 2 http://helloweather.manualbluegreen:80/WeatherForecast/"
  - name: "Error MS Teams"
    severity: error
      name: "msteams"
  - name: "Warn MS Teams"
    severity: warn
      name: "msteams"
  - name: "Info MS Teams"
    severity: info
      name: "msteams"

To Reproduce

When the canary is applied and image for deployment changed i am able to see the events raised by canary by doing a kubectl get events but not seeing the events sent to the MSTeams channel. Its failing with following error.

{"level":"error","ts":"2022-03-14T18:02:17.239Z","caller":"controller/events.go:69","msg":"error sending event to webhook: Summary or Text is required.","canary":"helloweather.manualbluegreen","stacktrace":"github.com/fluxcd/flagger/pkg/controller.(Controller).sendEventToWebhook\n\t/workspace/pkg/controller/events.go:69\ngithub.com/fluxcd/flagger/pkg/controller.(Controller).recordEventInfof\n\t/workspace/pkg/controller/events.go:35\ngithub.com/fluxcd/flagger/pkg/controller.(Controller).runBlueGreen\n\t/workspace/pkg/controller/scheduler.go:620\ngithub.com/fluxcd/flagger/pkg/controller.(Controller).advanceCanary\n\t/workspace/pkg/controller/scheduler.go:410\ngithub.com/fluxcd/flagger/pkg/controller.CanaryJob.Start.func1\n\t/workspace/pkg/controller/job.go:39"}

Expected behavior

Should see the events sent to MSTeams

Additional context

aryan9600 commented 2 years ago

This is the payload that Flagger sends to webhooks:

    "name": "podinfo",
    "namespace": "test",
    "phase": "Progressing", 
    "metadata": {
        "test":  "all",
        "token":  "16688eb5e9f289f1991c"

This is not compatible with the webhook payload that MS teams requires.

stefanprodan commented 2 years ago

We do have support for MS Teams by setting type: msteams in the AlertProvider, docs here: https://docs.flagger.app/usage/alerting#canary-configuration

claudiu-albu commented 3 weeks ago


We do have support for MS Teams by setting type: msteams in the AlertProvider, docs here: https://docs.flagger.app/usage/alerting#canary-configuration

I'm trying exactly this with following setup:

Flagger AlertProvider:

apiVersion: flagger.app/v1beta1
kind: AlertProvider
  name: msteams-notifs
  namespace: flagger
  type: msteams
    name: msteams-webhook

Flagger HelmRelease:

apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2
kind: HelmRelease
  name: flagger
  namespace: flagger
  interval: 5m
      chart: flagger
      version: 1.38.0
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: flagger
        namespace: flagger
      interval: 1m
      retries: 3
      remediateLastFailure: false
    meshProvider: istio
    metricsServer: http://kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus.monitoring.svc.cluster.local:9090
    clusterName: "${project}-${environment_name}"

and added this bit to Flagger Canary, in spec.analysis:

      - name: "MS Teams Notifications"
        severity: info
          name: msteams-notifs
          namespace: flagger

I may not be entirely clear about what documentation explains, but I can't for the life of me make it send MS Teams notifications other than:

image and: image (these might as well be generated by underlying FluxCD alerting given their title "FluxCD Alerts". not entirely sure at the moment.)

this is a typical output for my canary deployment testing: image

but even when I make Canary fail altogether, I still don't get anything corresponding in MS Teams, like documentation shows here: image

while using setup shown above, I don't get any errors in Flagger k8s pod either while Canary deployment is running.

in Flagger HelmRelease, in spec.values, I've also tried using:

    - name: MSTEAMS_URL
         name: msteams-webhook
         key: address



but this only results in making error "Error sending event to webhook Summary or Text is required for MSTeams" show up in Flagger pod logs again.

Additional context

so am I getting it wrong in terms of what Flagger MS Teams alerting does? what can I actually make Flagger alert on in MS Teams notifications?

any input would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance, Claudiu