Closed slamdev closed 3 years ago
as far as I can tell a similar issue is also if there is missing metadata. e.g.
ts=2020-04-17T21:05:04.811668584Z caller=images.go:95 component=sync-loop workload=default:helmrelease/nextcloud container=chart-image repo=nextcloud pattern=glob:* current=nextcloud:17.0.3 warning="inconsistent repository metadata: missing metadata for image tag \"13.0.3RC1-apache\"" action="skip container"
In this case I would like to have an option that this is either automatically ignore or at least there would be a way to exclude that image tag from the scanning so it can proceed.
Same issue here:
fluxcd-66cf6db5ff-s84gd flux ts=2020-10-16T08:12:54.669714152Z caller=warming.go:198 component=warmer info="refreshing image" image=polyaxon/polyaxon-streams tag_count=179 to_update=1 of_which_refresh=0 of_which_missing=1
fluxcd-66cf6db5ff-s84gd flux ts=2020-10-16T08:12:54.943753025Z caller=repocachemanager.go:226 component=warmer auth={map[]} err="unknown blob" ref=polyaxon/polyaxon-streams:1.1.9-rc7
fluxcd-66cf6db5ff-s84gd flux ts=2020-10-16T08:12:54.943846713Z caller=warming.go:206 component=warmer updated=polyaxon/polyaxon-streams successful=0 attempted=1
Configuration I'm using is:
kind: HelmRelease
name: polyaxon
namespace: polyaxon
annotations: "true" "semver: 1.*" "semver: 1.*" "semver: 1.*" "semver: 1.*" "semver: 1.*" "semver: 1.*" "semver: 1.*" "semver: 1.*"
image: polyaxon/polyaxon-gateway
imageTag: 1.1.8
image: polyaxon/polyaxon-api
imageTag: 1.1.8
image: polyaxon/polyaxon-streams
imageTag: 1.1.8
image: polyaxon/polyaxon-init
imageTag: 1.1.8
image: polyaxon/polyaxon-sidecar
imageTag: 1.1.8
image: polyaxon/polyaxon-agent
imageTag: 1.1.8
image: polyaxon/polyaxon-operator
imageTag: 1.1.8
image: polyaxon/polyaxon-scheduler
imageTag: 1.1.8
This is a well known issue, and it is resolved in Flux v2 in a creative way – :roll_safe pointing to head meme:
you can't have an image metadata error if you don't pull any image layers!
The only way to mitigate this in Flux v1 right now is to add image tag filters or fix the image repository. Flux v1 uses image build timestamps by default to order images, and if the image list contains an image with an invalid or missing timestamp, this process cannot reliably guarantee to have set the latest image, so it balks.
If an image filter policy is in place, the missing metadata issue only affects flux daemon's ability to distinguish between images that are pulled. Any images that do not match the filter do not get their metadata pulled, so they will not interfere.
Still, even with semver filter where the image metadata shouldn't be relevant to the decision about which image is latest, this problem manifests in issues like #548 and #3417 because the image metadata is so pervasive in the design of Flux v1, this was a driving factor in rewriting Flux from scratch.
Since Flux v2 is now at feature parity, we are recommending all users to upgrade as soon as possible so that we can validate any remaining use cases are covered at least as well by Flux v2, prior to announcing GA and declaring Flux v2 as "1.0"
Apologies about the length of time that has elapsed since your inquiry.
If this is still affecting you, I will be happy to reopen and/or troubleshoot with you in the #flux slack channel on CNCF, but in the interest of reducing the number of open issues not directly related to supporting Flux v1 in maintenance mode down to something manageable, and respecting you may have moved on already, I will go ahead and close out this issue for now.
Currently flux stops automation for an application when any tag of an app image is broken. In my case that's what is shown in logs:
No idea how a broken tag appeared in a registry.
A feature would be to skip broken tags from scanning and work with the tags that are valid. If for some reasons the current behaviour is desired, then at least provide prometheus metric, so an alert can be configure for such case: