fluxcd / flux2-kustomize-helm-example

A GitOps workflow example for multi-env deployments with Flux, Kustomize and Helm.
Apache License 2.0
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Describe clusters/production/infrastructure.yaml #105

Open tendaworld opened 5 months ago

tendaworld commented 5 months ago

Have cloned this repo and bootstrapped flux using the getting started guide:

2024-01-16T08:08:35.453Z info Kustomization/apps.flux-system - Dependencies do not meet ready condition, retrying in 30s 2024-01-16T08:08:35.459Z info Kustomization/infra-configs.flux-system - Dependencies do not meet ready condition, retrying in 30s

Issue is brought about by existence of clusters/production/infrastructure.yaml. If i remove it seems to work just fine.

lodotek commented 5 months ago

Yeah this example needs some improvements...

stefanprodan commented 5 months ago

flux get all -A will tell you which things are failing.

Aubermean commented 2 months ago

For those on the fence between Flux and Argo, Flux is often presented as the easier option. For beginners, it would really help if the quick start documentation and repo was robust, detailed, and most of all tested to make sure it all still works. Even as a beginner to k8s and Helm, Flux is simple enough that it's a really good place to get started. Speaking from experience! It's great there is a lot of development and serveral advancements in the application itself, but for the success of the project maintaining a low barrier of entry should not be forgotten as a priority. Thank you for all your hard work!