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helm release getting deployed into gotk-system namespace #314

Closed yawboateng closed 3 years ago

yawboateng commented 3 years ago

I have a helmrelease:

apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
  name: dev
  namespace: dev
  interval: 2m
  timeout: 25m
      chart: fusion
      version: '5.2.x'
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: lucidworks
        namespace: gotk-system
      interval: 1m

after pushing changes into the git repo, i ran: kubectl gotk reconcile (which failed)

 bernard git:(master) ✗ kubectl gotk reconcile helmrelease dev --namespace dev
► annotating HelmRelease dev in dev namespace
✔ HelmRelease annotated
◎ waiting for HelmRelease reconciliation
✔ HelmRelease reconciliation completed
✗ HelmRelease reconciliation failed

However, everything seems to be going into the gotk-system namespace instead of the dev defined in the helmrelase

➜  bernard git:(master) ✗ k -n gotk-system get pods                             
NAME                                        READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
dev-admin-ui-6c8c779c49-rcpqg               1/1     Running    0          5m3s
dev-api-gateway-8cf8c5db9-wlnd6             0/1     Init:0/2   0          5m3s
dev-api-gateway-8cf8c5db9-zkhkr             0/1     Init:0/2   0          5m4s
dev-auth-ui-75f75d786c-fx8xx                1/1     Running    0          5m3s
dev-classic-rest-service-0                  0/1     Init:0/2   2          5m2s
dev-devops-ui-7c9c7c5687-26l2w              1/1     Running    0          5m3s
helm-controller-844b4d6486-kfmrz            1/1     Running    0          5d4h
kustomize-controller-74f97d8ccb-qvxwn       1/1     Running    0          5d4h
notification-controller-6cb447958f-nkqwt    1/1     Running    0          5d4h
source-controller-856f444b5c-f5lkd          1/1     Running    0          5d4h

not much info in the logs :(

hiddeco commented 3 years ago

What version of the helm-controller is active in your cluster? If the image tag is v0.1.0, please try to update the controller to v0.1.1 which contains a namespace bug fix.

yawboateng commented 3 years ago

Thanks, updating worked