fluxcd / helm-operator-get-started

Managing Helm releases with Flux Helm Operator
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Question: How to handle sub charts in a HelmRelease? #18

Closed Karnich closed 5 years ago

Karnich commented 5 years ago

trying to add Istio with a helmRelease. The helmRelease gets created but it fails along the way. The operator doesnt give any error but when getting the output of the helmRelease i find this:

"message": "could not update dependencies in /tmp/flux-working725546946/charts/istio: Error: no repository definition for , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Please add them via 'helm repo add'\nNote that repositories must be URLs or aliases. For example, to refer to the stable\nrepository, use \"https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/\" or \"@stable\" instead of\n\"stable\". Don't forget to add the repo, too ('helm repo add').\n",

stefanprodan commented 5 years ago

The Istio chart has the subcharts included in the charts dir. Flux expects for the dependencies to be fetched at runtime.

You can disable the dependencies build with skipDepUpdate:

apiVersion: flux.weave.works/v1beta1
kind: HelmRelease
  name: istio
  namespace: istio-system
  releaseName: istio
  skipDepUpdate: true
    git: git@github.com:stefanprodan/gitops-helm
    path: charts/istio
    ref: master
  values: {}
Karnich commented 5 years ago

hmm this makes no difference for me.

where am i able to see these configuration options for HelmRelease?

could not update dependencies in /tmp/flux-working936516107/charts/istio: Error: no repository definition for , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Please add them via 'helm repo add'
      Note that repositories must be URLs or aliases. For example, to refer to the stable
      repository, use "https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com/" or "@stable" instead of
      "stable". Don't forget to add the repo, too ('helm repo add').
    reason: UpdateDependencyFailed
samheutmaker commented 5 years ago

Any update on this?

stefanprodan commented 5 years ago

I've made a new repo to showcase how Flux can be used to install Istio, please see https://github.com/stefanprodan/gitops-istio