fluxcd / notification-controller

The GitOps Toolkit event forwarder and notification dispatcher
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Alerts sent to Alertmanager contain timestamps as labels, preventing alert grouping #793

Closed tdemin closed 6 months ago

tdemin commented 6 months ago


notification-controller sets timestamp label on outgoing alerts, preventing Alertmanager from recognizing subsequent alerts with the same label set as a single alert (Alertmanager considers newly-posted alerts with an existing label set to be the same updated alert). This means Alertmanager will dispatch multiple alerts for what is essentially a single outage (e.g. failing GitRepository with a short reconciliation interval, e.g. 1m, which is the default for flux bootstrap-generated GitRepository)

This also requires us to add alert receivers with send_resolved: false separate from already-configured Prometheus receivers, as Flux alerts would be expiring at the default Alertmanager resolve_timeout of 5m, with Flux posting new ones over time.

Alertmanager (as of v0.27.0) seems to lack the ability to drop incoming alert labels.

Multiple alerts in Alertmanager


While group_by combined with a long enough group_interval might make subsequent alerts less annoying, it still means we end up with multiple outgoing Alertmanager alerts in a single message, possibly grouped with the templates.

I propose removing this label altogether. Alertmanager already provides us with .StartsAt / .EndsAt, posting a new alert would just set the new "startsAt". This would technically be a breaking change, as existing users might rely on this label in their alert templates.

I'm willing to work on a PR for this if needed.

System details

Flux v2.2.3, notification-controller v1.2.4, Alertmanager v0.27.0

tdemin commented 6 months ago

Minimal sample manifest set for testing:

apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1
kind: GitRepository
  name: gitrepository-that-always-fails
  url: https://this-repo-doesnt-exist.example.com/repo.git
  interval: 1m
    branch: master
apiVersion: notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta3
kind: Alert
  name: gitrepository-that-always-fails
  summary: A GitRepository is failing
  eventSeverity: error
    - kind: GitRepository
      name: gitrepository-that-always-fails
    name: alertmanager
apiVersion: notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta3
kind: Provider
  name: alertmanager
  type: alertmanager
    name: alertmanager-config
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: alertmanager-config
  address: http://alertmanager:9093/api/v2/alerts
apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
kind: Alertmanager
  name: alertmanager
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: alertmanager
  type: ClusterIP
    alertmanager: alertmanager
    - name: http-web
      port: 9093
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: 9093
stefanprodan commented 6 months ago

I propose removing this label altogether. Alertmanager already provides us with .StartsAt / .EndsAt, posting a new alert would just set the new "startsAt". This would technically be a breaking change, as existing users might rely on this label in their alert templates.

I agree that for Alertmanager removing the timestamp would be better as it's recored in startsAt. We can ship this breaking change in the next minor release Flux v2.3 if you can open a PR.