fluxcd / source-controller

The GitOps Toolkit source management component
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FluxCD Toolkits deploy error in the kubernetes AKS cluster #1487

Open karthikprabhut opened 2 weeks ago

karthikprabhut commented 2 weeks ago


I am raising this case to bring to your attention a critical issue we're currently experiencing with our FluxCD toolkit deployment in our environment. its a brand new env and am trying to deploy flux in order to automate application delivery.

Despite a successful bootstrap process, all FluxCD toolkit components (helm-controller, kustomize-controller, notification-controller, and source-controller) are failing to deploy properly. Upon inspection, we're encountering the following errors in the pod logs: all CRD's are installed properly.

"level": "error", "ts": "2024-05-15T21:42:49.895Z", "logger": "controller-runtime source", "msg": "if kind is a CRD,it shou1d be installed before calling Start", "kind": "HelmChart source.toolkit. fluxcd.io", "error": "no matches for kind \ "Helme hart\" in version \"source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/vlbeta1\""}

("level": "error", "ts": "2024-05-15T22: 04: 04. 881Z", "logger": "controller-runtime source", "msg": "if kind is a CRD, it shou Id be installed before calling Start", "kind": "GitRepository source toolkit.fluxcd. io", "error": "no matches for kind \"G itRepository\" in version | "source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/vlbeta1\""}

("level": "error", "ts": "2024-05-15T22:03: 46.8737", "logger": "controller-runtime.source" , "msg" :"if kind is a CRD, it shou 1d be installed before calling Start" , "kind": "Receiver notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io", "error": "no matches for kind \" Receiver\" in version \"notification.toolkit.fluxcd. io/vlbetal|""}

("level" : "error", "ts": "2024-05-15T22: 03: 05. 900Z", "logger": "setup", "msg"; "unable to create controller", "controller" : "He ImChart", "error": "failed setting index fields: no matches for kind | "HelmRepository\" in version \ "source. toolkit. flux cd. io/vlbetal\""}

Environment Details:

Flux Version: 2.1.2 Kubernetes Cluster Version: 1.27.9 Namespace: flux-system

Steps Taken: We've reviewed the RBAC permissions, Kubernetes API access, and Flux configuration, but have not identified any obvious misconfigurations or issues. Additionally, we've checked the logs of the failing pods for more insights but haven't found any actionable information.

Let me know if there are any additional details or logs you require to assist in diagnosing the problem more accurately.

souleb commented 2 weeks ago

Please put yaml in blocks. notification.toolkit.fluxcd. io/vlbetal| doesn't exist. It should be v1beta1. The bootstrap process is not successful. How did you bootstrap?